For sure! no marriage required
For sure! no marriage required
She meant to say naggers I’m sure.
This hurts my heart so badly. Nobody should be treated that way. Especially children.
I don’t think I could keep that man out of my house either. Come to mama
Those haircut wearing pearl necklaces are the exact reason why I can never visit home (Alabama). Infuriating!
Please stop writing about this election. I can’t take it anymore!
Stupid fuck.
The mouth says that you aren’t gay, but the face says that you are.
“I’m not gay”: RUDE
Preorder cancelled.
It will be entitled “Pink Lemonade.”
This was my solution. I bought a 24" tv to play this on.
Chill sweetie. It’ll be ok. I promise.
And please don’t keep posting about you know who. I am so fucking sick of it
Let me take this moment to blame Jezebel and other media et al. for giving this asshole UNCEASING coverage. You are partially to blame.
That antique chair is about to crumble into a pile of sawdust.
Stop. Hannah, stop. Therapy is private.
I remember learning abou this in earth science.