Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Yeah, except for the fact that these are children having other children, that they are immature, hormonal and that their brains have not yet developed fully, which means they are prone to making shit decisions and being irresponsible (as teenagers are wont to do), everything would be just peachy!

In Feminist Utopia we all get babies that sleep through the night and breasts that take to lactation like a duck to water??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!

I found the amount of breastfeeding lacking. Babies eat a lot and give no shits about anyone’s schedule. The idea that a baby would actually go along with that is hysterical. Also, if this is feminist utopia, where are the free birth control dispensers and comprehensive sex ed classes, pamphlets, websites, anonymous

i was almost in tears thinking - How does this Sophia chick have all her shit together while I, a grown ass adult, can’t manage half the things she’s doing!

Why are there so many teen parents in this utopia? Wouldn’t it be more ideal if birth control was treated more like any other preventative medicine?

Even knowing the baby will be ok, it’s a hard video to watch.

No amount of sex ed or birth control would prevent teen pregnancy altogether. No birth control method is 100% effective, even with perfect use.

Wait, so in a feminist utopia high school students are checking their text messages during class? I’m a feminist, but not in my classroom.

I’d be pretty happy if I could get anyone to top off my tank without me knowing. How do I impose this vision of utopia on my loved ones?

These stories, all of these stories, make me cry. Every damn time.

Taylor Swift reminds me of an attractive, suburban mom who wears outfits meant for jazz dance competitions.

It was pretty much solely used by females and then only in musicals. Framing the face, “poor mans close-up”, while keeping it at a medium shot. A frame within a frame. Does that make sense? Usually reserved for songs of innocent love or to show the naivete of a character. Judy Garland made it iconic in the film A Star

When he said doing the 1989 cover album was “an unpretentious thing to do,” that was the most pretentious thing I had ever heard.

There is nothing about him I like.

I’m just a dude who works on the satellites. And I’m happy with that. At least I get to go to space.”

I think he just meant that they're both really boring

Ugh, this guy.

I like to imagine Judy saying, “Eat me Taylor” in this gif.


I had to buy it once and Mr. Fascinating was horrified - horrified! - that he could not be there with me. I was like, what? I’m taking a pill in the parking lot with a Diet Coke, not getting surgery. Calm down. Men are weird about it.