Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

can your children not sit on a goddamn airplane to DC like what

Haha, I do that too! I overshoot my age by 5 years or so, then when people gush about how young I look, I sagely whisper “sunscreen” and wink at them.

Somewhat unrelated: it always amazes me just how much Mariska Hargitay looks like her mother. For the longest time I didn’t know she was Jayne Mansfield’s daughter and now I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.

Nope different Paul Verhoeven has to be. That one also directed Total Recall, this one decided not to cast Charlize... they can’t be the same person.

Kids: Don’t ever do this. Either at the strip club, or while riding the bus or subway. It doesn’t matter where. Just don’t.

Right? Like St. Vincent just shut up and stop. (Honestly I do find her unsmiling fashion-fashion zoom-into-my-face shtick a little cloying - not sure if that has to do with her gorgeousness or not).
Of course it’s because the music industry can market their looks. But. Arrrrgh.
Let us be small, jealous and judgy

I will join your protest movement.

Is it wrong that it kind of annoys me all these pretty girls who can act and sing and play instruments? It’s not even actresses... Look up whatever your favorite song is +cover on YouTube and 90% of the chicks doing the nightingale voiced covers could also be models. Someone needs to distribute the looks/talent shit

It’s really well timed

He’s the man who directed one of the greatest films in human history. (And I don’t mean Showgirls).

I know right? We’ve all had to do dumb shit for work before.


I would have never been able to enjoy Monster or Young Adult with an image of her thrashing wildly under pool water while attached to Dale Cooper’s unit.

I could see it.

Yeah. Seizing his peen.

That looks even worse in gif form. Bravo!

Such command of her craft.

That orgasm in the pool scene is worth 12 Oscars.

Same thing that’s happened to Elizabeth Berkley, you barely work again because you’ve achieved absolute perfection and Hollywood is too intimidated.

Charlize Theron might have fame and an Oscar, but you know what she’ll never have? The role of Nomi Malone in Showgirls, one of the best movies of all time.