Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Latino involvement in presidential politics is always a good thing. Hillary is far from a real ally to the Latin@ community, all things considered. But since she’s the likely Democratic nominee, her ability to excite those voters and help encourage bigger turnout is a good thing no matter what.

Maybe you should stop arguing emotion and go read the 14th Amendment. All kids born here are US citizens. The. End.

I have a hard time with it, ha ha ha. I swear to god I need my own sarcasm font!

The Book of Mormon soundtrack is so fucking brilliant. “Did you know that the clitoris is a holy sacred thing?”

EDIT: I’m obsessed with Hamilton the Musical right now in the worst/best way possible. My son loves it too. And we move into my vent freak out which is kind of music related because I’m a musical theatre actor? (Honestly I don’t know if I’ll get to post tomorrow night, so here you go)...:

I mean I should delete that comment but honestly “fucking kites” is making me laugh so hard we’re just gonna let it stay for a sec

Someone created an account 22 minutes ago just to tell us they hate kites. Even for Gawker this is odd.

Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.

I know! I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or really didn't know ha ha ha

It's a joke....everything with a K.....

This 26 year old agrees, but at least I’m not a teenager.

God bless.

i think all our husbands look like that.

I DEFINITELY have a type that catches my eye when I see them - namely tall, dark hair, beard, broad shoulders, looks like he could chop wood and then toss me over his shoulder and take me to bed. That being said, only a handful of men I’ve ever dated look like that. It’s just what I find initially aesthetically

The show LOST proved to me I don’t have a type. I wanted to bone Sawyer, Sayid, Jin, Guyliner, and the dude who turned into the Smoke Monster at varying points during the show.

my type is bald(ing) guys with facial hair and glasses. Kind of soft in the body with good arms. yep, sexy.

But you guys, everybody loves BOW TITS.

these are effing hideous

this really is the best Jezebel feature in my opinion.