Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Hugs. I've got Irish Twins under 2, and holy shit do I feel you—and mine go to daycare bc we both work!! But seriously if you're really needing to drink every day you might want to look into anxiety meds instead. I started taking occasional Xanax a couple months back and it has changed my life. Child rearing stress is

OMG...This is horrific. Also as a stay at home dad raising a Toddler with a death wish and a teething 5month old....I can understand where that person is coming from. But FOR FUCKS-SAKE don’t do it! Put the child somewhere safe (crib?) and take a 10 minute breather; drink a tall glass of red wine. Come back and usually

How many times do we have to tell you that LSD and the internet don’t mix? Just go listen to Pink Floyd at the planetarium like normal people, jeez.


Do you think that when they eventually find MH370, the entire staff of CNN will be unable to report on it because they’ll be in the throes of a massive simultaneous orgasm? And the camera equipment will get wet and stop working?

Everyone, Lincoln Chafee included, has known from day one that he’s not going to be President or even a VP candidate. Candidates running just to get their message out and make the bigger candidates address that message is nothing new. It happens in literally every election.


Your pseudonym made me giggle out loud. It’s fantastic.

Agreed! The whole piece was just “poor me with my wonderful Olivia in her wrap, and my mean girl friend!” She’s texting friends from the breastfeeding room to get validation, she’s sitting outside “trying not to get angry” and then she gets paid to write a piece airing her side of the story.

Literally thought Gwenyth Paltrow wrote that bit.

The “pay” part is also important. If your kids are being shitty at the library, that’s one thing; if I spend $150 to be here, fuck you.

So because I’ve never produced the “work” of a baby, I haven’t fulfilled my power as a woman?

Why would you expect that, though? Most professional settings don’t have kids present. Just because it a was a women’s forum doesn’t inherently mean that babies or children would be welcome. And that was the problem here.

Also, how hard would it have been at that moment to ask, “Btw, is it okay to bring the kid?” I mean it’s just basic consideration for the organizer. I would be more sympathetic if she had asked ahead of time, but I don’t think you just get to spring a kid on someone at a conference under the gauze of “women’s

I get it. I have two children who are now WAY past the infant stage. I hated having to return to work and place them in daycare. It sucks.

I can agree with that. Even if it didn’t explicitly state no children, it was described to her as:

On the one hand, if you were already there and had someone at the ready to take care of the baby while you were on the panel, the reaction to seeing a baby at the conference seems extreme. On the other hand, this section:

I’m a mom. I get the idea of keeping baby with you when they are really small. But I also get the idea that having a baby around is a distraction for others (what seems like a small peep to mom might be incredibly distracting to someone else). Both positions are fair. It’s all about being sensitive to the group you’re

Older feminists barely making progress? I read that wrong, right?

I’m not an “older feminist” however that doesn’t mean I think every meeting/space should include children. It’s ok to have adult only events, the fact that the topic of the conference is women’s empowerment doesn’t change that. I don’t understand this attitude some people seem to have that they can bring their