Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

What’s it like being “that guy”?

bitch needs to gtfo. of everything.

I feel like whoever was writing it up for the press was like YES THIS IS GOLD

I recall seeing Max & Ruby’s Grandma, but their Mom never did make an appearance, did she? :-(

Bowie is too hot for anyone except Iman.

“Both John and I were into attractiveness”

Well geez, this is a rare opinion. She should pitch for Unpopular Opinion on XOJane.

If someone as famous as John Fucking Lennon can’t find an attractive man to sleep with, what hope is there for the rest of us?


I only know Chris Meloni as the psychotic fridge-humping Vietnam vet from Wet Hot American Summer, so the thought of him as a Very Serious Police Officer who’s actually allowed out in public fills me with wonder.

My favorite was the one where Caylee Anthony was murdered by anti-vaxxers. I love the ones where they take multiple real life cases and smoosh them together into a nonsensical mega case.

If you watch it from the beginning, counting up all of Stabler’s bullet wounds — preferably taking tequila shots for each — is de riguer.
Man, that dude is more lead than anything at this point.

Him repeatedly & alarmingly punching a series of lockers is pretty much the only response to anything Duggar-related.

Favorite “Ripped from the Headlines” SVU episode: go!

I’m over here like.

I’m beginning to think all 8-year-olds are knuckleheads. I’ve got a broken left little toe that was never set because it’d do no good, and my grandson never, ever fails to land on it almost every day. He can be in the living room headed for the kitchen and somehow the kid takes a sharp left, walks 10 feet over to

Even if she’s being forced by insurance to sue the kid, it was a fractured wrist. She’s clearly a person with adequate resources if she has her own Manhattan apartment, and works at a non-physical job that would be minimally effected.

Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Bukowski and Jonathan Franzen. If your man’s favourite writer is more than one of the aforementioned Male Demons, you need to take a hard look at the choices you’ve made and the paths you’ve taken.

Wow, just the multiple levels of entitlement at play here is amazing. Filmmaker being “oppressed” by a critic? Cry me a fucking river. The privilege of making and putting out your art goes hand in hand with criticism. Successful artists who whine about critics or the content of the criticism are the worst. Criticism

“Quentin Tarantino is interviewed by Bret Easton Ellis”

Remember, this is the same God who once asked one of is followers to sacrifice his firstborn as a token of commitment to him, only to be like “SIKe, ya good” right when said follower was drawing his knife.