@prickamcdick: “...if you dig deep enough, you’ll find something to be upset about.”
@prickamcdick: “...if you dig deep enough, you’ll find something to be upset about.”
Love the amount of people taking pictures of the meeting.
I hear you. Nope. (Not saying this to you): Fuck the free speech argument when the theme of your dam school “mascot” is a racial slur. Your public school IS an arm of the government and the government cannot and should not promote such racist crap.
Good gravy! People are awful.
I know; just look at all those dumb faces.
Good. And if you are a person who someone thinks this is wrong, or bad, or unjustified, you are part of the problem.
This is just the beginning. End goal for Natives is to eradicate any mention of us as a mascot. Indian, Chief, Brave, etc. Redskins is just the tip of the iceberg.
Oh my god. The fuck is wrong with people?
Those are the actual names of ethnicities, not slurs. That’s a bizarre comparison to draw to this case.
I don’t understand why they are keeping a brand name that’s deemed too offensive to copyright. Just to be jerks? I hope they’re bleeding money over it.
Okay, seriously: what kind of FUCKING MONSTER puts GRAPE JELLY onto a perfectly innocent pizza? And for those of you who would mention pineapple, you are gross and wrong. Fight me.
If that’s the truth, then wouldn’t their clients be better served by ACTUAL MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS helping them understand human anatomy? Y’know, instead of a bunch of religious zealots.
Sometimes I don’t understand what’s happening to my body. Like when I eat leftovers that were in the fridge too long, or drink six cups of coffee. I dunno man.
Sadly for you shippers he is in a very happy LTR with a chef (she used to work at Momofuku Milk Bar!) He talks a lot about her in his new book “Modern Romance.” ALSO! While I’m on the subject, HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend that book. Aziz partnered with Eric Kleinenberg, an actual academic, to write it and it examines…
*Scientific data provided by Ghost Facers from Supernatural.
You know, all those scientific studies that showed spiritual consequences.
“Spiritual consequences.”
I don’t know about their current status (I believe it’s being fought out in court), but here in Indiana when they passed their moronic ‘religious freedom bill’ to support the Hobby Lobby decision, a “church of marijuana” declared itself in Indianapolis and claimed the right to the religious freedom to use marijuana.
“I have deeply held religious beliefs that I need to be able to lie to all the patients!”