Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

I liked the book but I definitely thought the baby talk and simplistic thought process was really grating at times. I kind of wish the author alternated the perspectives, like every other chapter or something.

Yeah, I got really sick of him pretty much as soon as they left the room and the last half was a bit of a struggle to get through.

MTE. Perez might be an awful person/misogynist, but he’s been getting pedophile-shit about his son for a long time now.

You say that like that’s unusual when it comes to organized religion.

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love,” Sister Amala head of a New Delhi orphanage told the Washington Post. “We do not wish to give children to single parents or divorced people. It is not a religious rule, but a human rule. Children need both parents,

Way to take your ball and bat and go home pouting , sisters. Congratulations on taking away a chance at happiness and safety for countless kids because you’re child rearing views are antiquated and plain old wrong.

As a Canadian, I have a deep dislike of Americans discussing WWII.

If the guy had a gun, I would organize the rest of the people to rush him. Maybe he’d kill me but he couldn’t kill all of us. America.

Uh, the Canadians were in the war first, son... Americans fought alongside *us*.

Wait, Carson has a campaign manager? I thought he just popped a handful of pills (doctors get the best stuff) and let loose a torrent of drug-addled stream-of-consciousness musings.

I’m pretty sure Matt Damon knows when diversity is an issue.

I mean, they clearly did.

First, assuming they are not trying to be an asshat. There would need to be an optional prequel seminar on Are you an Asshat and if so, Why Being an Asshat is Shitty.

Ben Carson makes me so sad. I was so inspired by him as a child. I read his books and he helped solidify my dreams and goals to become a doctor.

More like crouches behind as he suggests another target.

A lot of people need this course.

Who is willing to do a seminar on “How to talk to people without being an asshat”? I’d gofund that.

If Max and Ruby are your kid’s names, I don’t think they are boring names at all! Signed *AnotherMax’s Neglectful Mother*

If I ever have kids I don’t think it’ll matter what I name them. I’m like you, everyone gets nicknames. And my nicknames for people are changing from month to month.

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