Easily the best thing to come out of Michael Ian Black’s mouth since Bradley Cooper.
Easily the best thing to come out of Michael Ian Black’s mouth since Bradley Cooper.
Things I never thought I would say: Well done, Satan!
Yeah but it has electrolytes! I’m not sure what electrolytes are but they make plants grow!
“I regret to inform you that I, @KevinMcCarthy, won’t accept the role as #SpeakerOfTheHouse”
... what are the chances that the other Kevin McCarthy was a gay (that’s an unspoken message in the ad) man who supports Hillary? That’s pretty great.
I mean, can we make this guy the next speaker of the house tho?
Seriously, one comment after another about how old the woman looks and how it must be because of the rough living. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with some of the comments.
“I think a lot of people would think this woman looks older than she is - I also look younger than I am. “
I don’t think it’s the fact that she doesn’t actually look older than her age that got NonServiam annoyed with you. It’s the fact that there was no reason or relevance to bringing up your negative opinions of a sexual assault victim’s looks here.
I don’t doubt it. Wasn’t Fatty Arbuckle there? (It seems like Hef’s been around forever. Like some Roman god of corruption)
Jimmy Saville wasn’t drugging the kids he was raping though, was he? That’s a really scary element of this to me... We know how many have come forward. Imagine how many women have no idea whether or not Bill Cosby raped them because they can’t remember...
He’ll always be Sam Weir to me. Shame that a masterpiece was cut short.
I heard you alright. It's just very, very weird on non-YouTube sites to comment on the hard-living looks of a sexual assault victim.
Wtf is with you guys, are you casting models for a runway show? Where does this nastiness towards a victim’s looks come from?
She looks like she’s had a rough living to you? You may not think so, but that’s a harsh thing to say.
That is exactly how I look when I eat pizza.
At least here in Brazil, no. It makes Pizza Hut, which serves some bizarre fatty not-pizza thing, taste good in comparison.
I was also filled with righteous indignation when that info came out and was trying to boycott, but then my freshman year of college the only delivery you could order was Dominoes and pay with your meal plan points.
When I was a freshman in university we used to order Domino’s every drunk night because they accepted payment with our meal plan cards. That is literally the only time it’s acceptable to give them money. Of course, I’m still paying off my student loans and I’m sure like a quarter of that is Domino’s charges from ten…