Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Your bangs are the cutest and I love the bun, too! Adorable!

Oh god...just gonna do’s me. Just got bangs last week for the first time in my life and LOVE THEM and the top-head-bun I can do now. So so much. Bangs are love. Bangs are life. If anyone here knows me in real Oh well.

I’m not sure how long it lasted, but people absolutely did not know quite how babies were made. They though it was the moon, rituals, etc. Having a baby almost a year after having sex made it not so obvious that it was the sex that caused it. Also, only women give birth, so it seemed like something they were

MAN: the gods have blessed you with baby magic and makes the baby again, the gods are good to us

Exhibit 2: you hit a certain age, you need something to soften up your features.

Me + long hair = Roseanne Roseannadanna.

I’m 36. My natural hair color is gray. I’ll pass on natural hair color.

You can cut your hair, so long as you have an overall plan for returning to the same, with an end game of strong hair in one length.


You know who cares so much about hair that they type what this guy did? Weird people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, everybody knows most straight dudes dig long hair. But a proclamation this specific about how 50% of the world’s population should deal with some protein and keratin and shit is the work of a very, very strange mind.

I do not mean to laugh but that last sentence, combined with your user name, has me in hysterics. I keep telling my husband that as I soon as I pop this baby out I’m going to do something ridiculous like get my nose pierced or go blonde. He thinks I’m kidding!

Men crying about short hair/hair they don’t like is an opinion I’ve come across, of course. What makes your comment particularly weird and not one “most guys share” (lol) is it’s veryveryvery specific. Long hair, one length, just below shoulders. Plus you mention a distaste of permanently changing color, bangs, curls,

BAHAHAHAHAHA, oh wow. Okay. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

Your bangs are great!

I also have bangs, but for the opposite reason: my forehead is super short, and if I start my bangs higher than my actual hairline, then it looks more proportional/taller.

Me too. Kitchen sheers, no mirror, no regrets. Bangs rock.

I know I sound bitter, really. But straight across bangs have been my signature since 18 and I like them quite well! Also, my forehead is huge, to the point where I nearly look like I have a receding hair line.

This!! My sixhead neeeeded it! I prefer cutting my hair on my own... I live with an irrational fear of stylist bestowed bowl cuts :/

I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder

seriously, this shit wasn’t supposed to be taken as advice, people