Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

It’s even worse than that really. Using that system I can post a very negative review of you (ie: you are psychopath, a child molestor, a shoplifter whatever), then when you contact me to “turn a negative into a positive”, I just tell you to pay me x amount of dollars. If you don’t pay me, I wait the 48 hours and let

I’ve been going off about this all night. Here are some choice screenshots featuring the founder’s words (from twitter, their handle is @peepleforpeople / JAC & NIC) during what could only be described as a complete social media meltdown:

A bubbly, no-holds-barred “trendy lady” with a marketing degree and two recruiting companies, Cordray sees no reason you wouldn’t want to “showcase your character” online.

There is no way anyone who has ever used the Internet would ever associate this idea with “love and positivity”. That line genuinely sounds like an alien trying to pass themselves off as human.

I was thinking to myself what sort of deeply disturbed person “is trying to find a babysitter who I can trust” but seems so socially inhibited as to be incapable of speaking to their neighbours.

Is it time that we started treating straight, white, and conventionally attractive as a disability? It’s like they exist in a world of fantasies and society validates them.

I think the conclusion you jumped to there is completely valid. This is terrifying.

“As two empathetic, female entrepreneurs...”

They’re conventionally attractive white blonde women so.

They sound very much like sociopaths.

At least with Tinder you don’t get notified every time somebody swipes left.

Seriously. I’d rather have someone tell me to fuck off right to my face then have to subscribe to an app to see if they told me to fuck off.

I’m pretty sure a bunch of girls in middle school got suspended for their Burn Book, and these broads are making beaucoup bucks now for it???

This is fuckin dumb. I already don’t do tinder knowing that most would swipe left. Now you want people to rate each other? Fuckin juvenile high school shit. I'll pass on more popularity contest bullshit.

These guys don’t sound empathetic. They sound like people who have never met a troll, been fat shamed, or otherwise bullied.

I know: he’s let me down badly. I was just getting to think of him as the brains and the heart of the Affleck/Damon unit, but now he’s just

He has always been this way though. He basically dumped Minnie Driver on Oprah.

I’m so disappointed that he’s turned out to be such a fucking clueless douche.I liked him so much.

WHEN will Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio realize that their relationships don’t work out because they just need to get together, already

Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.