Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Is it just me or does this guy look like an actual goblin? Like, if there were a news report tomorrow that he had a basement full of hobbit bones, I would not be the least bit surprised.

At the time he had just finished accusing of her of saying something she didn’t say. She informed him she did not say that. He then told her it’s not what you say but what you mean and winked (?) at her as he said it which seems especially condescending in context at least to me.

I think men winking at women in serious or professional environments is pure sexist condescension. Especially when they’re mansplaining something when they do it.

No he totally had something in his eye. It was just a coincidence that he was being a condescending jackass at the same time a bug or something just flew into his eye.

That’s kind of how I feel about bitchy responses to my comments here.

I know that Terry Crews has already served as president in the hypothetical future. But I think he could run in 2020.

lorde and rihanna have the best kill suits.

Worse than the guy who brought the loaded gun that “accidentally” went off before the wedding at the Waldorf?

there are way worse people.

I went to a wedding this weekend where the bride’s speech was 20 minutes long. there were over 400 people at the wedding and she tried to hold everyones attention for 20 whole minutes. I got up, went to the bathroom, and came back after to find she was STILL TALKING.


You see, it’s not just wedding magazines and bridal TV programs that are making getting married a nightmare. It’s people like this. People who think weddings should be a flawlessly executed “event,” who see themselves as a reality competition show judges, and who act like the most entitled, smug Yelp reviewers.

In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.

I hate to necropost since the article is like a week old but who the hell cares its fantasy and a musical? and so what if she’s 10, 12 or 14 its good to see young talent get work even if its full of sexual subtext, and so the fuck what? the subtext is only there if your intentional looking for it. I know we are human

Wow, you’re a rape apologist.

Jesus, what a fucking scumbag.

Yaaaayyy! You both shifted left, then eh? ;-) Any chance that you can convince Max & Ruby’s Neglectful Father to take another step left?

I totally don’t get it and someone needs to explain it to me so that I stop feeling like an idiot.

According to many, many blind items, Taylor is a lesbian. So this could just be another PR relationship.

I don’t know why, but my (admittedly wonky) Gaydar™ went off years ago to Threatcon: Delta-levels to when I first saw Calvin Harris. Then again over across the Atlantic, with the guys you gotta play a game of Gay, Straight, or European?, so it sucks being a gay dude visiting over there. I’m always so confused, and

Stitches the rapper sounds like a character on Doc McStuffins.