Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo.
Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo.
Garden State is pretty much the anti-Scrubs though...
Lindy West called him “lamprey mouth” in her recap and i will never be the same.
That movie is bad and she should feel bad.
Relax, Natalie. People hate The Phantom Menace way more than they hate Garden State.
She doesn’t have writers anymore and she just doesn’t care about anything except keeping her name in the headlines and that’s difficult to do in a Trump world. Her pay-website went down the shitter and I don’t know of any way she can make money now except going around giving speeches (though I don’t know if she got…
It's like she only knows phrases, not individual words.
Nope. How many times can she pull out the “drill baby drill” phrase and get away with it? I’m to the point of yawning through her word salad.
Zeroth Law. A robot may not harm humanity nor by inaction allow humanity to be harmed. Her entire existence is a violation.
I’m not convinced she’s not a robot. Some freshman Computer Science major wrote a program as a joke that generates Tea Party-esque phrases and then uploaded it into her mainframe.
Seriously! I mean, I started getting gynecological exams when I was about nineteen, just because it was considered part of the standard wellness exam for an adult woman, and my doctor’s office believed that patients ought to be familiar with the process before they became sexually active. It’s a question of good care.
I think you’re confused. I’m 99% sure that he didn’t beat her up because she gave the baby vodka. He beat her up because he’s an abusive drunk that was pissed off because he couldn’t drink his vodka that he had put in a WATER bottle probably so he could drink it at work.
It is a common trick by alcoholics when they drink in front of people who know they have a drinking problem. Because apparently they think you won’t notice them going from sober to drunk.
The hymen is the most pernicious myth that “traditional” societies have perpetrated against women. Time for it to go the way of foot binding. Depressing read.
I know it probably doesn’t help to tell you to not worry about it too much, because those worries are just sometimes there, but try to just breathe through them and not give in to them. Of course it depends on exactly what you’re self-conscious about, but in general dressing well and wearing Spanx don’t miraculously…
Get back to me when you find a straight CIS dude who is willing to date fat women without it being a fetish thing. As in, a straight CIS dude who considers dating fat women the same way he considers dating women who aren’t fat. A straight CIS dude who doesn’t fetishize fat women and isn’t repulsed by them, either. One…
There have been many articles that call attention to the TV husband whose wife is “too hot” for him.
Only a handful of the dudes I’ve banged have been fat (and I would describe 2 of them as “chubby” really). On my end though, I have asked (and other times I can just tell) that I’m the fattest gal most of these dudes have had sex with. And in my younger days I totally put up with seeing guys have fun with me privately…