Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

As soon as that picture loaded I started laughing. Good job, Subway Serf. Good job.

I get you on that last part. I just turned to my bf after reading though most but not all of that article (Couldn’t do it. Just could not do all of it.), and I said “Alright, now, as a goth, I gotta say something here. -There’s a line-. Like, do your weird shit. Live that dream. But you know there’s a line, and you

I got interrupted twice and maybe missed a hundred odd words here and there, but the only thing I’ll take away from it was the last paragraph:

I like how she calls herself a historian as if that is not a real profession that requires credentials. Like saying- I’m a plumber, well not like those people with tools, I just spend a lot of time on the toilet.

“Gabriel said watching me grow accustomed to Victorian clothes was like seeing me blossom into my true self.”

I WAS AVOIDING THAT DAMN Victorian article...calming I read it. wow. just what. the. f.

I know this is kitchenette ... but what the fuck is up with those Victorian people?

God, this makes me sad for a whole number of reasons. Mostly the insistence of somehow equating scientific, accurate terms with sex or or sexiness sexuality.

The fact that this woman apparently gets off to descriptions of cancer and STIs is way more than I need to know about her weird kinks.

John Wick is a strangely watchable movie. It looks like a boring hitman ultra violence generic thing, and I still watched it because of Keanu, but it turned out very well choreographed and clever. Need to find it on Netflix to watch again.

He is beautiful. I watched John Wick entirely because of him. And I loved every moment of it.

Oh, and while he didn’t get kicked out, shout out to Yukon Conservative candidate Ryan Leef for being casually out strolling in camo with handcuffs and putting a woman under citizen’s arrest when he just happened to catch her defacing an election sign. I love the idea of Conservatives lurking in the bushes just

If only that were true! Our PM has pulled way more distressing pranks than peeing in mugs. Pushing through an “anti-terror” bill that violates the universal declaration of human rights was a pretty good one. Pretending the tar sands were a solid investment that wouldn’t destroy the environment, also pretty hilarious.

I love Keanu and want him for myself but would acquiesce to him dating Sandy instead.

That was a wild ride from start to finish.

The Aristocrats!

Why can’t she and Keanu just fall in love? Keanu would NEVER smear dog shit!

I will not pay my parking ticket then because it’s not right. I don’t believe in parking meters.

That is like the better version of when people would make sexist/racist/rapey jokes to me, and I “wouldn’t get them” and ask for a detailed explanation of the joke. Halfway through, their faces would indicate, “oh, this is a terrible joke that I SHOULDN’T be telling strangers because it says a whole lot about me.”

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