Max & Rubys Neglectful Mother

Good enough for me.

Is there anything to Burning Man other than rich people in ornate hippie costumes pretending that they discovered psychedelics?

It seems no matter what vehicle she attempts to use she’s doomed to be pedestrian.

American = incoherent combinations of mostly English words

I see the squinty face I make when I walk outside without sunglasses. It’s more of a grimace than anything.

I don’t see a smile. I see a “The fuck is wrong with you, dude?” look.

This is the best 500 days of Kristin yet

That wasn’t as satisfying as I was hoping it would be. Someone sticking their foot out, tripping her and her landing in the food, while the two ladies laughing and cussing her out in their native language, would’ve been a good comeuppance.

I know kids are picky but I would be so humiliated if I ever said “MY CHILD DOESNT EAT GREEN FOOD!” that loudly in public.

It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

I clicked on that Mindy article and this was also in The Guardian:

Meh, he has a certain something. I wouldn’t say no.

Well I mean. My gross body brings me a lot of happiness too.

He killed HOW many hookers?

Wow, your Friday nights are way more interesting than mine. Tell me more!

The History Channel, rich baritone voiceover.

well. That certainly sent me into the rabbit hole of cyst-removal vids on Youtube.

I had a bartholin’s cyst on my labia. (Look it up; I’ll wait here. Sorry.) I went to the ER and the FEMALE ARNP took one look at it and said, I quote, “Oh my god, that is the worst thing I’ve ever seen! I think I’m going to pass out” and called a nurse in to look. It hurt like a mother and I had to have it excised and

Obviously fake. If it was real cat hair, her body would have shut it down before it became a hairball.