“I do not believe mothers and daughters should be separated.”
“I do not believe mothers and daughters should be separated.”
Good fucking gravy.
Imma guess the Illuminati cut you off before you could finish
Can someone PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD cover how every fucking high ranking government predecessor has done this on some level for fucking ever? Like, can we talk about all the emails that disappeared at the end of the Bush administration? No? We want to KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS?
Why didn’t she bring on another famous bestie to distract the audience from Kanye? Or if she’s out of them how about an anthropomorphic construct for a universal constant like gravity or time?
If Kanye’s job now is to just troll the shit out of Taylor Swift at every available opportunity then I am completely on-board.
Scott Walker’s responses to questions when he’s all “oh people told me this is a problem,” is the equivalent of the times a relative has told me to go on a diet because “someone saw you in public and said you look fat, but I can’t tell you who, just someone, you don’t know them, trust me.” Except none of my relatives…
So to clarify: we ARE in favor of an anti-Bieber Defensive Wall
The wall is going to be pretty useful for Canada when Walker is president and American workers start trying to cross over into Canada for work and healthcare.
The last thing running through his head was probably a concrete floor.
Don’t take a job as an executioner then. Don't like the changes to your job? Can't in good conscience do them? Step the fuck down.
Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.
She needs an asylum for her crazy.
“asylum” for her “conscience” lol
Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman
Oh, the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court that ruled that gay marriage was legal? That Supreme Court? Good luck with that, you ignorant fuck.
My brothers and I were homeschooled (now ages 27-38). None of us are living under bridges, but our educational achievement was directly related to our own aptitude and interest because Mom didn’t teach us anything, and the curriculum she chose was crap (hello, Bob Jones!) I finished college and travelled before…
There was a group of religious people in my community whom I called the “jeanskirt people”. They had a school, and word on the street was that it was pretty good. A friend who didn’t go to the church inquired about sending her kid there and they were all, “Do you go to church here?” And she told them no. They told her…