
It’s no secret that Woods is far far far far right. I’m not discounting him because he’s a Republican - there are many, less unhinged folks in Hollywood who lean that way. However, if you delve into his Twitter feed (grab popcorn!), he spends a hell of a lot of time HEAVILY bashing the Liberals, Obama, and the

The Clintons have been on the wrong side of issues involving minorities for years. They change positions and issue apologies and still maintain ardent support from said minorities. I don’t get it.

UM...where are Adrienne Barbeau and Gina Gershon as Catwoman’s voice(s)?

Are you my real mother? I love you.

40,000 songs disappeared from my library when I installed it on my MacBook Pro. They were still in my “Music” folder but I had to re-add the entire library including those which I had selected as those I wanted absent from the library but still on the hard drive. Not to mention, I curated about 50 playlists for

Yes...Diana Ross as GLINDA!

My sources have just informed me that this guy (memba him?) was a Rugby player at Mary Wash:

I'm sure she's fierce as all get up (as Gina usually is in whatever she does!) but I can't help but want to smash my computer whenever I think about how the blogosphere raged about her being the perfect choice for Wonder Woman. Really? A 21 year old Amazon Princess should be played by a 45 year old Cuban-American?

I did but sheesh, some of the ladies are way more "top tier" than the doofuses we got!

This is nothing new, unfortunately. As someone who experienced childhood at the tail end of MEGO through Super Powers, female characters were next to none. The MEGO line at least gave kids 7 (Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Catwoman, Wonder Girl, Isis, Invisible Girl) female characters to choose from but by the

Diana would make a nice Glinda ala Lena Horne.

Um...I think you have me confused with a twenty-something male who plays World of Warcraft?

The writer might want to edit the title and his text - you are absolutely (and obviously correct) and thank you for the digital footnotes!

I was wondering when we'd hear from one of her rabid, defensive fans. Face it: she's a self-centered, narcissistic MEAN old lady. Shame on you for shelling out all of your hard earned dollars to see her "sing" in concert.

Yesss....Bey has left MADGE in the dust!

Madonna fans can't deal with constructive criticism of their goddess. She can do no wrong. Sad, really...

CB and KBC - 'nuff said.

Am I the only one who thinks her fans are INSANE? The level of defending her...AND touting her as some get-her-hands-dirty gay activist...SMDH.

It's sooooo good!