
I was going to say, "here goes the bait for your cranky father/uncle/grandfather's rant at the dinner table" but frankly, as much of a Scrooge as I can be, I don't have the energy to see what those fucktards and Rush have to say about this. Merry Christmas, bitches! xo

At least the kid's gonna be gorgeous - look at Diana's granddaughter!

First of all: Fuck You. You missed the point. My friends shared this with me. All I wanted to know is whether or not this is common in SSM relationships and if anyone else has any insight. I don't care what goes on but was a bit taken aback by the drug use and sex in the home with a small child sleeping down the hall.

Yeah but aren't same sex couples (especially men) more likely to open their relationships? I'm sorry but **rant** I have several friends who finally **yay* were able to marry their partners legally and **boom** went on to adopt children and find surrogates. However, **sad face** within a few months, quite a few of

I don't even remember. I flipped on a rerun one night and just didn't find it particularly funny. I really only watch "Veep" and "Parks & Recreation" as far as comedies go and I just couldn't figure out why the accolades keep coming for "Modern Family" .

Is "Modern Family" really that good? I tried watching a few minutes and didn't find it remotely funny. I'm not sure why it's such a darling with the critics.

Their fucking Instagram is nuts.

Remind me why Alfre Woodard isn't the central character. Maybe they'll kill "Charleston" off and keep it moving. Alfre could easily anchor her own show. Then again, this is Hollywood.

I'm sorry but what children are watching this show, exactly?

iPhone or Android I believe

I've also made it to the A-list without spending a cent but I'm rather bored now and my stupid "husband" Bryan divorced me because I kept taking the modeling gigs "Simon" the manager set up for me over going out on dates with him. My wedding dress was pretty though.

Sorry, Queen...not impressed with this album. Readers: pick up Streisand's "Partners" and Midler's "It's The Girls" instead.

Now, I want to know who's bitchy enough to play Hera! The whole "Diana, daughter of Zeus" has really changed the dynamic between Hera and Diana/Hippolyta so she's proved to be a formidable foe in this latest run.


Gloria's Never Can Say Goodbye and Park Avenue Sound albums are miles ahead of Love Tracks. BTW, the Gladys album About Love is the other one A&S produced - it's really good..."Landlord", "Bourgie, Bourgie" and oh so much more!

Now playing

Re: "I Will Survive": I like the use of "Survivor" towards the middle/end but this song has been so overdone since Karaoke took off. Diana Ross tried it back in '96 and we got that sassy video with RuPaul but I think people were already tired of it. There's a neat version by Gladys Knight & The Pips from their album To

I used to be this guy. No, really. I did! My first job out of college was in a fucking museum that was open EVERY Sunday and being the newbie, I had to work EVERY Sunday while my friends downed bottomless bloody marys/mims and gorged on omelets. Mind you, this was before social media so there was no "checking in" or

I wonder if comic companies will follow suit. If you pick up the first few volumes of Wonder Woman Archives, the Black, Latino and especially Japanese characters are among the worst stereotypes I've seen in print. I'm not sure what effect they had on readers in the 40s but I picked them up as a teenager and shrugged

To quote the great Diana Ross: "It takes a long time to get to be a diva... You've got to work at it." Slow your roll, Grande.

Yes it does and they're all horrible actors. This girl is lovely and bitches need to leave her alone.