
I don't work in service industry anymore, I am a mere office girl now, who still has to make drinks for visitors to the office. Nothing is more satisfying to me than giving decaf espressos to stuck up businessmen that we have in occasionally. It's the only thing I can do that makes me feel marginally better without

OMG YES I DO THE SAME THING. I like to think it's the dulcet tones of murder that lull me to sleep.

They did this with the Kylie Minogue Statue at Madame Tussauds in London years ago, and everyone did the same then. how is this not a surprise to them?


I burst into tears the first time I saw this. Just through the sheer cuteness of it all. I may or may not have been drinking.

OF COURSE THAT’S WHY. Those Babies hate to be put down. Or so I hear.

Oh that IS good to know. How do they feel about boxed wine though? Because it's good for a girl on a budget AND on the go.

Thank you for making me snort laugh at work


Well Duh. You can't exactly go get cheese and wine with a baby.

My Sisters (awful) Ex boyfriend is the spit image of Ed Sheeran so everytime I look at him I get this awful feeling about him. Ed Sheeran doubled is the stuff of nightmares. :(

Already had this conversation with my mother and told her NO WAY is she coming on my Hen Party (I’m British). Instead I told her we could have a lovely afternoon tea with wine alternative hen party with family and my bridesmaids. She seemed ok with that.

I cannot star so I shall reply! Thank you!!

I wish it was mine! I just love emeralds :)

Aw thanks! :)

Ah I was just pretending to be Charlize Theron in the J’adore advert :)


I've been to Florida twice and I love it there. Granted I am from the UK, so as soon as I see sun and humidity I fall in love at first sight.

Sorry if this is huge! This is my emerald sparkler. Diamonds are dead.

My mum's engagement ring is a ruby. On a gold band, a much smaller version of Princess Kate's ring (Diana's old one). Very 80s and yet still very lovely.