
Oh Lancashire UK, how I love thee, home town. Home of Black Pudding throwing, mud wrestling, Racist Morris Dancers, Eccles Cakes, Hotpot and now.....Spam Donuts. Actually, might not head back home for a while now I think about it.

Lindy you need some Grand Designs in your life! It's a completely ridiculous Channel 4 programme where people with too much money build or renovate their dream house, and it is always a disaster and they end up spending squillions of pounds only to have the roof leak. Its awesome and presented by a lovely chap called

RARRRR POSTMODERN JUKEBOX!!! I am going to see them a week on Saturday and I CANNOT WAIT RARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

This is my Pom x Sheltie Bear, just after we adopted him. He is 3 in July and still a nutter.

This is my Pom Sheltie Cross Bear, and I promise you, I will never cut his luscious mane.

It is wrong! When I'm in USA I snaffle up that Cloudy non-fizzy lemonade like a dementor sucking the joy out of Muggles. Never drink british lemonade, unless it is with Pimms of course, that incredibly british fortified wine mixture.

In North West England, UK we just call it Fizzy Pop. We like to be descriptive.

My friend once made White Chocolate Rice pudding and it was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.

Oh My God YES!!! A friend bought me Dreamphone for Christmas (living the late 20's dream) and they all look like Teen Batchelorette Contestants!

Meh, snowboarder dude is the only one who does it for me. There is a lot of bad hair going on here.

I am going to see this in July and I CANNOT WAIT. This and the Harry Potter Studio Tour in 2 days. Best Birthday EVAR

They were really popular in the UK when I was a kid too (about 20 years ago) Although it was a TV series as well as a book :)

We have had these in the UK for a while now, and I can attest that the Hazelnut one is goddamn delicious. The core tastes like Nutella. NUTELLA!

I have a Mockingjay necklace and a reaping ball necklace. And I am 30 this year. And I'm not even sorry, I love them!

All I can see when looking at the long haired masks (If that's what you call them?) Is Old Gregg from Mighty Boosh.

Bear my Pomeranian x Sheltie also approves!

Jellyfish! Attach some paper cut outs or strips of fabric around the outside of the Umbrella and hold it over you!

Jellyfish! Attach some paper cut outs or strips of fabric around the outside of the Umbrella and hold it over you!