Grand Moff Fartin'

AIs drive with a “bottom-up” approach

A bus? From Fresno to San Luis Obispo? BAHAHAHAHA. You could walk that faster...

I wonder if they announced that cost-plus-fees for the round trip would be billed to the offending passenger in such circumstances—as part of the Contract of Carriage--what would happen. Especially if they started to enforce it.

Then maybe they’ll get more serious about preventing assholes getting on the plane in the first place if they are forced to pony up like that.

Skip the fine and go straight to the hard time. Prosecute every instance. And mandate that in the event of misbehavior, the pilot must return to the airport of origin to disembark the passenger to the local cops there. And they name that passenger’s bad behavior and the passenger as the reason to everyone else on the

A reminder, while this is ongoing, about the Resnick family and the ownership of water in California - buying it at $30 a foot and selling it back to the state during dry years at $200.

Murica, summed up in a single photograph. Yeehaw.

The cognitive dissonance here is crazy. Capitalism is bad when Kristen Bell waives her tenants’ rent in the two residential buildings she owns because just being a landlord is inequitable. But if Rihanna amasses a ridiculous amount of personal wealth on par with many poorer nations’ GNP, it’s “You go, girl!”

But if you split the room among two couples, there’s a pretty high chance you’re going to have to listen to your friends have sweaty cosplay sex after lights out.

his parents are worth $2 million

As a Gizmodo user, I can definitely sympathize with complaining about an issue for months.

I don’t listen to Billie Eilish. Her music means the world to my stepdaughter, so I have some respect for anyone who makes her feel special & respected. She could be amazing but it’s not my call to make, & I’m not going to criticize anyone for their taste.

I did get a little teary-eyed when Malory appeared at the end. Jessica Walter is irreplaceable.

But it also ignores another take: the Queen’s owning of that land prevents development on it entirely. It’s -preserved- for future generations.

When I clicked it, I figured I’d end up on The Root with some new discovery that British royals are racist AF.

We have a good candidate for worst Gizmodo headline of the year.

You fools. Never go up against a caecilian when death is on the line!

I want to see a video of one of these firing.

It was just a Star Wars geek site dedicated to intergalactic music.

Nice try, Giz but I’m still not turning off my ad blocker.