Grand Moff Fartin'

Cocaine and CTE are a hell of a combination.

So you’re saying Rey is Serpentor. Works for me.

San Luis Obispo Ca . has no drive-thrus. Then again, if they had them maybe their Chief of Police wouldn’t have left her service weapon in an El Pollo Loco bathroom a few weeks ago.

SLO County was never liberal. It’s turned purple about 10 years ago.

That sauce looks good, I might add some liquid smoke and chipotle powder when I try it.

It’s like the image captures the exact moment PCP rage kicks in.

Say it with hate. Say it with Hallmark.

The Ghosts of Chavez Ravine.

Splinter, all the D and F Civics students.

You gave us Sarah Palin, we don’t give a fuck about your opinion. Go away!

He looks like Uncle Fester and The Hills Have Eyes dude had a bastard love child.

Or an Atomic Wedgie.

Are we in Bizarro world? The same people that called Obama a tyrant don’t give a fuck about any tyrannical bullshit this fuckwit does.

You willingly fucked Eric Trump, no one cares about your opinion.

They all need Custer’s last haircut.

He has become sentient syphilis.

Jr. you can call him Decorated Combat Veteran, you son of a chicken shit coward.

The only thing Trump can dodge is the draft.

They wanted to serve Koolaid but Jim Jones Catering wasn’t available.

She totally goes to another school. You guys wouldn’t know her at all.