Grand Moff Fartin'

Oh look, it’s Baron Von Dumfuckery and Captain Bootlicker, the newest graduating class from The Legion of Doom.

Another thanks, that was fucking disturbing.

I don’t know, after listening to some of Pence’s ilk, I am damn sure Zombie Jesus ate their fucking brains.

What is he complaining about? The witches are just sending their version of thoughts and prayers.

I only let my kids buy the free-range artisanal drugs at the local drug house.

Yes we should. My grandfather worked for Ames Research from 44 to the late 60's and he was one of the people who built the reflector and seismic sensors Ames sent up on Apollo 11. We watched the first shuttle flights on tv when they happened. I wish he could have seen the Space X stuff last year.

I always knew there was a reason I hated those fucking furballs.

Oh that is just wrong.

I’ll take the Stealth Armor and Gauss Rifle.

London has fallen fucking sucked. Olympus has fallen was a much more entertaining movie. Oh, and Ngo is a fucking asshole.

You worded that much nicer than I could at this point in time. Have some stars.

If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

I loved this show. Lee Van Cleef was the man.

The flag was unsatisfied and faked it every time.

Will they accept thoughts and prayers in lieu of cash?

Pacific Northwest Indians were not large slaveholders you colonizing piece of shit. Signed a PNW Indian.

Thank you


He’s opposite world Dorian Gray. He gets older while his portrait gets younger.

Man, the dude in the picture is sure compensating for something.