Grand Moff Fartin'

They’re part of the “Make Meth Great Again” campaign.

Lucas was inviting him to dinner?

The sixth billboard is for Waffle House.

Better a sex doll stuffed into a crawl space than one of the local co-eds.

Iced Earth has had like 32 members in the band since 85.

I believe this is considered torture under the Geneva Conventions.

Hell yes! That sounds awesome.

Most of the movie will be him killing his fellow rest home residents.

I say have dinner with both groups and serve them the cyanide.

This band sucks.

No, it’s closer to the A-20 Havoc with extra speed.

It will be like Freejack minus the time travel.

It’s time to start drug testing our elected officials.

Papa Johns, shitty customers, shitty pizza.

Are you stoned, stupid, or both?

Well it is by the asshole of California, Bakersfield.

When are we getting an apology for Rock Star?

Was Trump hiding in the fireplace?

What is it called, Dora Gets Deported?

This is the best response ever.