Grand Moff Fartin'

It’s funny that white people of European heritage who hate non-white people love the creation myth and deity of non-white people.

Hey Mo! When will you fuckwits stop burdening the people with triple digit IQs? I hope you get penile cancer.

Now that is a match made in Hell. I hope they have enough crayons for their coloring books and juice boxes to keep them hydrated if they ever meet.

And his computer is full of interracial porn.

This guy chokes likes the Dodgers in the post season.

On a lot of Indian Reservations too.

Yep, plus cities will be freaking out about the loss of all that sweet moving violation money.

Probably, he is a jesus freak.

Wow, another convicted criminal supporting Trump.

He’s flashing back to his days in prison.

I so wanted to shoot my TV when he said that.

The holes in his hand make masturbation easier.

Why is he anti masturbation and named Fappy? Shouldn’t he be named Don’t Fappy?

Damn, he’s more hardcore than that cousin fucker from Tennesee.

The story of god is prety much the same across all three. It’s the story of the prophets (or lack of) that are different. Think of them as half-siblings, same dad different mothers.

FOR SALE: Used Toyota Air Cruiser. Ran when landed.

Orange is the new yellow.

Nugent and Duggar should start a band together. They could call it Ted & the Ped.

He was first known as Penis Van Lesbian.

Most of my cousins did too and I’m bummed because I finally reconnected with them after thirty plus years and now I want nothing to do with them.