
Clunky wording would be pretty authentic. They should put more typos, though.

No worse than real life.

There should be a lone Westboro member with a sign that says 'God Hates Superman'.

These guys really need to work on their sign game. That's clunky wording.

Those are just io9ers still feeling hurt by Man of Steel.

No, superhero. It's like you never heard of Captain Caveman.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire country of China isn't a replica/fake/copy of another "China" found on a distant planet.


i would say the #1 reason is - it has humans in it

I'm loathe to validate anything about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But stick with me here; it's a little meta.

One minor nit about Isaac Asimov's Foundation. If I recall correctly (it's been a couple of decades since I read it), does it not say in the books that there were no other sentient species discovered in the galaxy, only humans? If that is the case, then it's not likely to be the same lively galaxy we see in Star Wars.

Wish I could show it to you. I was in Toronto on a trip and they had that booth outside their building at the time that you put a buck in and it recorded what you said and they occasionally aired it. This was 18 years ago or so.

This has to be the best example of a movie being better than the book.

I remember seeing this in the theater, and (*spoilers*) that moment when the hero stabs the old lady in the throat with a metal ruler, somebody in the audience screamed out loud:

I think this is a brilliant, gorgeous movie with some wonderful performances, effects and cinematography, but I never found it scary in the slightest. Then again I'm sort of an atheist, so...

I think part of the point of the movie is that the punishment is unwarranted. I think that adds to the horror, it wasn't some ancient diety following strict moralistic rules, it was some lady who thought you were an asshole. What if you did something to someone, it was nothing major, just doing your job, and it ruined

If I could go in the opposite direction real quick...

Not scary, but it was supposed to be the horrifying, gut-wrenching film... The first half was pretty good. The second half plodding and pointless. And the ending? BOOOOOO. I was very let down.

Is it possible that no one has mentioned the Greenpoint local's nickname for this place?The "Shit-Tits".

Yeah. "Why are you bothered by my reaction?" is almost as dangerous as "What do you mean 'YOU people'?"