
I can say with no hyperbole whatsoever that they are the worst fucking people in the history of humanity.

A girl I went to school with married the Holderness Dad's cousin. Everything in this article is correct.

Amen times a million. Fuck the Holdernesses, fuck their house, fuck North Carolina, fuck the red sox, fuck the suburbs, fuck their videos, and fuck anyone who likes any of those things.

Didn't you also say earlier today that Tila Tequila looked like a girl you knew in college?

Penn Holderness: [reads article]

It's bullying, pure and simple. But calling it a "death threat" assigns a level of alarm to it that it frankly doesn't warrant, and minimizes actual death threats.

It's the equivalent of telling someone to "go play in heavy traffic" or "take a long walk off a short pier". It's like saying "go away" or "fuck off". I don't think they're death threats. They're more a way to say "I find you annoying, please go elsewhere."

If you want to make it a threat, you would say: "Hey cassiebearRAWR, I am going to give you malaria."

i absolutely see what she's saying but i also absolutely stan that shirt i need it for me

Yes, these are. That's also why, unless someone gets doxxed, I don't generally lend much weight to things when people start screaming about so and so getting legitimate death threats.

I mean, the response is not what I would call, "chill," but they aren't death threats. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she got some. Why they aren't included here though is strange.

I'll be honest, 10/10 would wear that shirt.

"Kill yourself" is an unreasonable, inexcusable, asshole thing to say, but it is not a "death threat."

Are these supposed to be examples of the death threat tweets? Because they're death threats in the same way that saying "go fuck yourself" is a rape threat.

I dont know where you're living but my mom never drank nor smoked and we didnt have money for anything either. The "well they blew it all on smokes and booze!" excuse is an all-time favourite of those who dont want to think about how lesser fortunate have it.

Not if you make it distinct that the dot is aligned with the middle of the numbers instead of the bottom. I mean, I realize that mathematicians aren't known for their great handwriting, but if you've reached the point where a multiplication dot is indistinguishable from a decimal point you really need help.


Because I don't want to watch a youtube video and I want to read words.