
Wow. I'm glad I watched that. Highlights are the little 4 year old in a hip-hop class (along with a bunch of white kids) wagging his finger like the lamest person alive and the fact that the mom was punched in the face before her triathlon. These people are a nightmare.

Holy shit, why is everyone picking up on this idea? Beards and flannel have been de rigueur in Williamsburg and hipster neighborhoods for almost a decade now. A decade. It's been the butt of many a joke over the years. And when is the last time anyone has ever used the word metrosexual to describe someone (even in the

Women do, and they sell them online. Feel free.

Why does it need to be more specific than that? It's not more than bullying or being rude.

I'm sure "go fuck yourself" would be characterized as threat of sexual assault on this site. Gotta get them clicks. Gotta stoke that outrage (as if there weren't already enough, even within this story, to be outraged by).

I'm being completely serious: this *is* how kids talk to each other these days. "Kill urself" is really the "long walk off a short pier" of today. As a phrase, it is more vitriolic, but it honestly occupies the same space of telling someone off.

You're being obtuse.

Lower level math still exists. Obviously, at a higher level your main thrust in your work is not going to have this, but there's still a chance that one day you'll write out two digits that need to be multiplied. Even if it's just to show someone where numbers are coming from. Maybe to a friend or spouse. Maybe you're

"you just don't use a symbol to denote multiplication at all" You're not wrong, but there are many instances where you do need a symbol. What about when you have two digits? It's not all variables and symbols.

Ahhhh I haven't thought about that story in years!

Man, I have never, ever understood the love for this movie. I really feel like I'm missing out on something.

Let's be real, the art was like 80% of the terror and wonderfulness of the books.

You're too crazy for boystown, and too much of a boy for crazytown.

So funny. I love it.

It's not wrong for you to think it's funny. The movie has a lot of intentional humor.

It basically comes down to whether or not the behavior is pathological and detrimental to you living your life. It's hard to say whether something is or isn't a "real addiction," as we don't really have the tools to treat psychology like a quantified science. If you looking at a clock too many times is interfering

For real. He should be so lucky.

They all need to get laid.

Gotta keep reading:

I'm not normally (too) afraid of spiders and enjoy watching videos of them capturing prey online, but something about this gif is revolting to me.