Grammar Police - Spelling Error Prevention Unit

Missing an “and” in the first sentence :)

User name checks out.

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

Textile and Vegan are the interior packages? I just rolled my eyes so hard it caused tectonic plate movement in the south Pacific.

What salesman worth their name does not try and upsell?

The point is not what the Nazis did in Charlottesville. You cannot use that tragedy to justify the passage of bad laws, just like you can’t use it to justify the failure to pass good laws.

Wait: winning is a thing?

I don’t have a question, I just wanted to post this GIF


But with it on, you cant slide for the photo either.
Off is ok. Just drive better.

Later, at a bar:

The term “coupe” dates back to the era of the horse-drawn carriage when it was used to describe a conveyance with an enclosed seat for two behind an open driver’s post.

And a manual tranny.

Next that guy was enquiring about the Dana LSD

Is it too early to say NP on a $4000 Giula?

These people have all been fired.

Nope, longitudinal. That upper intake manifold really messes with you doesn’t it?

That’s fucking magic right there.

Now playing

The Merc monoblade was amazing. My friend drove an old S-Class in high school and I used to watch that thing go for hours.