They didn’t take the opportunity to blame Trump for the bear charging.
They didn’t take the opportunity to blame Trump for the bear charging.
...handled it like our new york kinja overlords would....
Clearly, they should have handled it like our new york kinja overlords would.... you don’t Alaska. Stay in the city, and praise public transportation.
Turned the phone horizontally?
“Hopefully the franchise gets its shit together before Rodriguez gets furious.”
Bravo! Pedantic asshole here, still totally fun at parties, approving this comment.
thanks to how good anti-knock sensors do their job
A few points I’d like to make:
Lyle, you must not be familiar with the plus-one force continuum that pretty much every Law Enforcement Officer in the world is privy to... That, sir, is a very elementary concept. Not that it inherently permits shooting a suspect in a tussle.
Yes, but “jetting” is impossible with injectors. You would just remap the ECU to hold the injectors open slightly longer.
Jetting? When I bought a less restrictive titanium muffler for my CBR and asked about rejetting, they told me that the O2 sensor together with the injection system meant that was an obsolete thing.
Yeah I looked at that account, definitely one of their PR people trying to make a positive comment. Marketing people, not car people.
So you drive a subaru don’t you?
The Westeboro Baptist Church has reportedly claimed responsibility...
Clearly a hate crime. Just look at that graffiti.
The sad part is the camo is the only thing that would make a Buick SUV noticeable.
(cause none of my cars have that tech).