Is ESPN referring to the Kurds as “anti-Normandy protestors” yet?
Is ESPN referring to the Kurds as “anti-Normandy protestors” yet?
The OJ-inspired “if only you had told me I was a suspect I could’ve stopped the real suspect by making sure this bad thing stopped happening!” defense is rarely successful. And appending the “Also I’m pregnant!” argument almost never helps.
Proposed show titles:
Food for thought!
The segment steered clear of any political discussions, but notably called the protestors in Hong Kong “anti-government” protestors.
China is what China is. The NBA’s willingness to bow down and tremble in fear is a profile in Capitalism (with a capital ‘C’).
Or, maybe China’s economic system is more accurately labeled ‘state capitalism’ within an authoritarian political system.
I was sleepy so maybe I mis-heard him this morning on SC, but James Harden seemed awfully accommodating to the Chinese government while speaking to reporters in Japan about this. It’s one thing for an idiot President to sell out Hong Kong (not to mention the Kurds, but they don’t buy a lot of NBA merch so let’s leave…
It’s never a good thing to voice the same opinion as Larry “Intangibles” Michaels.
Fwiw, Jay Gruden also chokes up when he talks about Chris Thompson.
Tonight would be a perfect time for Jay Gruden to tweet his support for Hong Kong.
Hmm... Wait until the Chinese impose a blackout on G/O Media over this post.
My first exposure to ATL-level pessimism was at halftime during the Super Bowl when I called my brother in Atlanta to let him gloat about how well it was going. Instead, all he said was, “It’s the Falcons. They’re going to find a way to lose this game. Everybody in Atlanta already knows that.”
The Cards still almost blew their lead in the 9th. Unless they were just toying with the Braves, letting them think they had a chance, only to crush their hopes. But what are the chances of that?
That would be a fascinating comment if I had said the bad calls were only going one way. It was a reference to Chris’s comment: “...but for the most part their batters were too easily tempted by fastballs above the strike zone, and by the fifth inning they were taking uppercut haymaker swings at anything chest high or…
The home plate umpire was calling a lot of strikes that were clearly high and out of the zone from the first inning on, so the Nats may have felt like they had to swing at some of those bad pitches.
No, no they don’t.
I would contend that, though it won’t happen, you could fire the front office and keep Gruden and you’d be much better off than firing Gruden and keeping the front office in place.
D’oh! Well, at least I didn’t put it in letters 8 feet high on a stadium scoreboard as an ‘honor’ while his family watched from the sidelines.