
Warriors-Wizards in the Finals!

Dreiling is perfectly aware that his team is trying to kill him. Just ask George Allen.

I shudder to think what poor David Haywood Smith’s Twitter mentions must look like tonight, since our dumb DHS Secretary doesn’t know her own agency’s Twitter handle.

This thread should be enough to shut up any anti-van imbeciles. It won’t be, because they’re so stupid. But it should be.

And after seeing these two tweets, Twitter permanently banned Aaron Rodgers. @jack @twittersupport


And yet, Trent Dilfer said it was the worst game ever played. 

Later, Dilfer jumped into his own replies to shut down the criticism but, as you might imagine, it didn’t help his ratio one bit.

It’s a puzzler all right. 

Even better:

People are always saying, “Alex Smith won’t lose games for you.” And, at least as far as this season goes, that’s just as true today as it was on Friday.

And the odds just improved that Washington will wind up starting 20 different QBs over the past 20 years. They’re stuck at 19 right now, including McCoy.

First this....

I know. But, aside from completely missing the point, good comment.

Does anybody know where Brian Sereno’s “next phase” might take place? Because he sure shouldn’t be within pissing distance of the Foggy Bottom metro station, or any other university in the country for that matter.

Pelosi is a bit of a honey badger. She doesn’t care what attacks get lobbed at her, she stays focused on getting a reasonable though not comprehensive list of things done. It’s never enough for unrealistic liberals and it’s way too much for conservatives.

It’s funny because it’s true...

Here’s my advice to you: quit while you’re eating shit. Your replies keep getting dumber.