I thought so, too. Maybe one day he will be.
I thought so, too. Maybe one day he will be.
It’s unfair to say that Peter Angelos is the Dan Snyder of MLB owners. Sure, he’s an awful person, miserable to his team and it’s fans, loves to see his team get worse every year. But the big difference would be that Snyder likes football. He may confuse its rules with Badminton on a regular basis, but he likes the…
But it looks like he did complete today’s stage, which may have been his hardest test.
It looks like he even finished today’s cobblestone stage. That’s insane.
“I’m going to contact the people at the site about this”
Lawson Craddock, with his recently fractured shoulder blade, is not going to have an easy time on Stage 9. He’s had a week of healing, for what that’s worth, but it’s still going to hurt like hell.
They were going to name all the teams “The George Foremans,” but it wouldn’t fit on the Philadelphia jerseys.
Boston’s in Canada.
I know it’s not fair, but by now you should know that Canadian teams never get the recognition they deserve.
Whereas I would’ve gone all-in, absolutely certain that I’d end up with a hand containing both 3 10s *and* a royal flush.
What about the guy with pocket 10s just saying, “You know what? Leave me out of this.” Pocket 10s isn’t a great hand but the shot at three of a kind would usually make it worth at least dipping a toe in the water.
Did the guy who founded Clinkle make a bid?
I didn’t even realize James Dolan was the police chief in Las Vegas.
Fair point, but you could say the same thing about Pink Floyd’s “In The Flesh”. And Thompson certainly saw shades of all of this in Nixon. People don’t realize how popular Nixon was, even though the whole country knew he was a sniveling little shit. I mean, his approval rating after his second inauguration was 67%.…
Yeah, it’s like they know they’re standing directly underneath the next shoe that’s sure to drop but they are just bound and determined to let it land on their dumb fucking heads.
First they lose Boris Johnson and then they lose the World Cup. Tough week for the English.
Can’t say whether that sandwich was messed with, but if McCormick has any fucking brains at all, he’ll never eat in any restaurant between Naples and Sarasota. It’s a lock the employees of all eateries will have his picture on the break room bulletin board and they’ll have plenty of interesting ways to say hello.
You should meet Stephen Miller.