
If you order pancakes at the Dutch Eating Place in Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia, PA, you will get your wish. They scoop a SLAB of Lancaster County butter on those things. Bring your statins if you want to live. Though if you get them with blueberries, the antioxidants probably offset the cholesterol, right?

For all you assholes, and there are lots of you, saying you can’t get behind this because you think Cait and the Kardashians are just doing this for publicity, go fuck yourselves. Maybe she is. Who cares? That’s not the point.

My wife and I consistently have discussions as to whether it’s worth going out to eat with our 2 and 4 year old kids. It’s a crap-shoot at this age. Sometimes they’re happy and distractable and other times they’re fairly inconsolable.

Neither one matches.

The story about the cancer-free anniversary “date” is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. That’s some Ralph Wiggum/Lisa Simpson shit right there.

I’m not sure why some feminists feel the need to mock domestic things like ironing, cooking, baking, etc.

I think you probably have a little exposure bias going on. Most people I've met think that autism is NBD because most of the autistic people you can actually meet in life are on the mild-to-moderate end of the spectrum. People with severe forms of it are more often confined to their homes, hospitals, state facilities

"I think she likes sex already."

See now. This is why all the posturing in the world about better journalism standards is a huge pile of steaming bullshit.

I have to say (as someone on the autism spectrum).

is this like when rich people have literally nothing to do so they make up problems? like how fucking bored do you have to get when you say vaccines have 'too many toxins'

The entitlement in telling another woman what to do with her eyebrows. I just — not to be obnoxious about it, but this is how women enact and enforce the patriarchy on one another.

What peter is saying is, that the book follows a very, very tight third person point of view of Harry himself. We see what he sees and thinks, and no one else. If Harry didn't know about gay students at Hogwarts, then neither did we.

"floors aren't respected."

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:

Right? As a pediatrician, my least favorite is when they claim that list includes being a "nurse" or a "pediatrician." No, you're not. It took us a lot of time and money and licensing to get those degrees. Putting a bandaid on a cut =/= health professional. STFU.

To be fair, I was given a review copy, and there's a little device built in that doses me with estrogen any time I turn the page.

Ugh probs.

dearest good friend: