Speaking as a reenactor, there’s nothing that makes me appreciate living in the present than a weekend spent pretending to live in the past. Fun time to visit, wouldn’t want to live then.
Speaking as a reenactor, there’s nothing that makes me appreciate living in the present than a weekend spent pretending to live in the past. Fun time to visit, wouldn’t want to live then.
You've just made my oldest kid VERY happy - thanks!
OK, that gif of Jamie is the best thing ever.
And I've added a few books to my library hold list... excellent discussion here, thanks all!
Running, not walking, to set the DVR!
Buttered whole-wheat toast?
I guess we're in the minority. Not that we eat together at the table, but we eat at home. If I don't eat breakfast I'll fall on my head before 9 a.m. Kids get cereal with little sugar (e.g., Cheerios), or homemade muffins, toast, or oatmeal; fruit; and scrambled eggs if they're in the mood. I'll have oatmeal or…
394. I haz a shame.
This sort of thing is why my boss used to tell me to NEVER EVER write something down that's not right/meant to be a temporary filler joke. You never know what might slip by and make it into production.
We have very very specific lists for our kids' public school classes. Happily, we got them in June - I've been spending the last 3 weeks repurposing last years' stuff and matching sales and coupons for the rest. The latest thing that annoys me: Book sox. really? Brown paper bags aren't enough any more? Feh. …
California Civil Code, section 43.3, "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, except the private home or residence of another, where the mother and the child are otherwise authorized to be present."
I swear to God I am not grammar policing as a criticism of content here, because this is an excellent article and a serious issue that needs more airtime. However - the feminine singular of alumni is alumna, masculine is alumnus, and my high school Latin teacher is raging in the back of my head and won't shut up. …
Cats are badass. My husband, when growing up, had a big bruiser named Ivan the Terrible. Declawed, he would still terrorize the awful dog down the street by sitting just outside the range of the chain, and reaching out to smack the beast in the face. It eventually just ran and hid when he saw the cat coming. The…
It's the Devil Wears Prada.
THANK YOU for #10. Seriously. Thank you very much.
It's not news that vaccines are not 100% effective; nothing is. A minority of folks simply don't come up seropositive. Look at the bigger picture: that 80% of patients who got sick is a tiny proportion of the total population of vaccinated kids who DIDNT get sick. That's a huge win.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Vaccines do work the vast majority of the time. They are why we don't have epidemics. Even the most effective are, however, not 100% effective, and a minority of vaccinated folks will still get sick. That is a powerful argument IN FAVOR of vaccinating, since the more…
Did you really just equate school shooters with transgendered kids? Because I have no printable words for that.
WORD. Seriously. We did a couple of these event-type parties before I decided to stop the madness. We party at home now with the full expectation that the house will be trashed; kids invite a handful of close friends, have the option of homemade or storebought cake, we do it mid-afternoon so I don't need to serve…