
Yes I was wondering the same thing. A driverless car that fails to break the speed limit to go with the flow of traffic in the outside lane would seem worthless to me. If I want to crawl along slowly at the speed limit or worse in the right lane at rush hour, I may as well save my money and take the bus.

I'd much rather have the locker itself than a Nissan Rogue

I think the future is more like going to Toyota and buying hugely expensive new modules when these parts fail.....

Everyone commenting seems to assume these will only be sold to police departments. I'm pretty sure fire departments, Border Patrol, National Park Service, etc. will be bigger customers than police outfits.

The subs come up with such force that they'll cut fishing boats in half...tragically that happened off Honolulu, killing nine people on the japanese fishing boat.

Rear-facing seats are cool (my Volvo V70 has them) but it's not really as practical as a proper tailgate.

Yes! I was going to post this but figured someone beat me to it it! We need a GIF!

You've seriously seen it drive? It appears to have no steering, and the brakes look like they're not hooked up at all and probably just dummies. It also seems to be lacking a windshield wiper.

Yes my thoughts exactly. Sammys rust out like mad.

MR2s gearboxes are for a transverse engine setup...not what you want for a sexy supercar replica...unless of course you like Feiros.

Porsche G50. Not cheap, but popular for a reason...

"I guess the pilot wears noise canceling headphones."

How the fuck is this art?

My question exactly! The new Elise/Exige isn't federalized, as I maybe this car will be built on the old chassis? It's academic, really, because I doubt it'll be built at all!

Curious to see if this means anything for Caterham F1, as they currently use Renault power....though I have a feeling this might be the last year they're on the grid anyway.


Actually, (sadly, perhaps,) Native Hawaiians are a minority in Hawaii these days. And while it in NO WAY justifies being belligerent and rude like this lady here, as a people unfortunately they suffer a lot of injustice and inequality, much like black folks in a lot of other big cities.

Where did this person think they were going to go? Rallying?

Exactly correct I think. I think it's a something of a kiss of death once less known/less pedigreed sports cars start creeping into Porsche 911 money. If you're about to throw down 100K for your next ride, there are a lot of good choices to choose from once.

A friend in law school (now a lawyer) told me that if the pedestrian steps out into the road NOT in a crosswalk and gets hit by a car, it is in fact entirely the ped's fault. Not only that, in my state, at least the pedestrian can be held liable for any damage to the car caused by them getting hit. Seems sorta brutal