
Except the difference is that Martin could also give both Marcel Marceau and every musician in Nashville a run for it if he wanted to.


Because in the Frank Oz canon it's known as 'not What About Bob'

Also, as 'meh' as FOTBp2 is, one of my family's favorite dinnertime quotes has always been the drowsy 'please pass the rolllls'

Sgt. Bilko, as a whole, isn't much and plays it pretty safe. HOWEVER, given that it's only 90 minutes, it's totally worth it to see Aykroyd, Martin, and Hartman all be idiots.

This cut is a nice reminder that, no matter how much of a punchline this movie has become over time, it's still, at its core, disarmingly endearing.

I had to pause when I realized what was happening. Leave it to this CARTOON to, in only a few minutes, articulate horrifyingly repulsive actions 1000x more effectively than it took American Beauty to do. I genuinely still feel like I need to take a shower after this. Hell, the hospital scene was awful enough.

Yeah that's what I thought. Dolphins, in general, are exhibitionists. If you ever take one of those pontoon tours down in Everglades City, it doesn't take long before Proposes start hanging around to see what all the fuss is about. Hell, I've had them run with me while wakeboarding before. It's awesome and scary and

Letterman's confession on his show was riveting. Not because he apologized…because he really didn't. He basically said 'yeah, I'm a cad. I did these things, I have to own it.'

No matter how many stupid things Olbermann says, he still gave us years on Sportcenter with Patrick that were among the finest entertainment in pop culture history.

The Todd thing was played so well. A) We don't see genocide because it's a commentary on how we don't care. B) The writers trust us to imagine Todd's bumbling misadventures, because we've seen it so many times. It's almost like I felt like it was in the show, but it wasn't.

Maybe it was the bud talking, but this was one of the most gloriously unsettling fucked up half hours of television I've ever seen. The cold open alone made me feel like I just got done watching the 'Dead Weight' ep of Breaking Bad.

I was that, and I concur.

I'm the oldest of 7 children. Homeschooled, no less. As close as I am with my siblings, I always felt isolated as my parents' 'guinea pig', and as my younger kin's mentor. However, I had many friends and glorious misadventures in the suburb I grew up in. When I was 10, my family moved out to the hinterlands so there

Correct. Other than when RK addressed the media during the day of the manhunt, Cochran and Shapiro were much, much more prominent during the course of the trial. I'd suspect at least half of the people who were at least teenagers at the time of the trial forget Robert Kardashian was even part of it.

To be fair, I'm sure someone in his position is addressed every day, by countless people with suspect investment opportunities. I'd be a cynical sonofabitch too, I suppose. I guess it was sexist for him to bring up motherhood alone, but certainly I can't blame him for trying to see if they really have the drive and

Oh yeah, not even close to vague. It's at least the 3rd time they've addressed that in 2 episodes. Mutiny gonna burn.

Season 1 has some very interesting moments.

Well that was more halfway through the trial when they went that way. I think most of the fascination, at the outset anyway, was how someone so beloved almost universally may have done something so horrible. Imagine if it was Dan Marino or Emmitt Smith. Pretty much on par with that.

A lot of contributing factors:
- OJ was one of America's Golden Boys: Football hero, nice guy, actor, sports commentator.
- Shocking horrific bloody murder in an affluent LA community: Total sensationalist media bait.
- OJ's disappearance and the subsequent surreal car chase.
- The rise of 24-hour news cycle.
- OJ hiring