
When one's job is to balance the risk of lost advertising with the size of the loyal audience…well, yeah. The world of media business is pretty amoral.

Todd & Mr. P gleefully making a bad situation worse will never get old.

You know how I was first exposed to cigarettes? Being a kid in 80s. Most of my extended family smoked, half my friends' parents smoked, and every household had a courtesy decorative ashtray in case your guests smoked. All of this IN the house with kids present and in middle-class suburban neighborhoods.

Yeah it was and for me it was a good visual cue as to how helpless Will's plight was. A .22 is pretty much only good for paper targets and hunting rodents. He didn't stand a chance.

Haha probably by just smirking a bit about 'kids these days' and getting on with a regular semi-productive day. Touche.

When I get scolded in public, as a 35 year old, for using the phrase 'Sitting Indian Style' instead of 'Criss-cross applesauce'…or when I'm told, in public, that respectfully holding the door for a woman is a sexist 'micro-aggression'…then it's gone way too far.

TBF there's a huge gulf between 'grumpy old man talk' and statutory rape.

Doesn't the voracity of some of these message board comments kind of prove his point? Of course there is probably a component of Clint being so old that he remembers the days of certain incorrect attitudes being institutional, and can't recognize some political correctness as a necessary growing pain for us to move

Not getting a full North American tour is worse than A Punch-up at a Wedding. No no no no no no no no.

Thank you for being kind to VeggieTales…I unapologetically have a CD of 'Silly Songs with Larry' somewhere in my collection…

I think one of the quieter, yet overall, arcs being played out here is how these small-town, small-time crooks really have no clue how to handle what's coming down the pike with Gustavo Fring & Walter White. Brilliant, murderous, true fucking gangsters who only answer to themselves. In a weird way, it's Mike's and

Whatever. My friends and I were hanging out the other night and we put this on in the background. It hit me right in the nostalgia feels. Yeah, it was never 'good' to begin with, and there was no reason to think this would be 'good' either…but dammit if it wasn't great to have it on to casually glance at. I think the

When he sat down I was so hoping he was going to play 'Lick My Love Pump'..yeah I know that was Guest but whatevs

He was in the desert with him and the skateboarders too, but clearly they've established Tuco is so crazy he doesn't think twice about killing one of his longest posse runners. [also the Blue Sky meth he was on didn't help]

I thought that at first, but who's left? WW was a national news story, I'm sure he followed it and is aware of the circumstances of his demise. The ultimate catalyst for Saul leaving was probably the realization that with 2 DEA agents dead, possibly at the hands of his own clients, the hammer was going to finally come

The B&W 'current' open in season 1, at the time, felt like awesome fan service, as well as a means of portraying the abject misery Jimmy ends up in. After they went back to the well to start this season, I started wondering if Gilligan is making a long 'bookend' play…like a reverse Memento. We all went into this show

Just what we need, 10-scale ratings of Dustin Johnson choke-jobs.

Given how Beck is a master of just about every genre of popular music, and can totally flip styles from record to record, it would not surprise me at all that she admires him.

I said it above but I actually think she's very genuine in her respect and love for music. Like the mainstream pop's Dave Grohl or something.

I feel at this point a TS/Dave Grohl something is inevitable. Even if their output isn't always my favorite, the enthusiastic love they have for the fun of music is all sorts of wonderful.