
I just always assumed growing up that all my friends had seen every Disney film starting either Tommy Kirk, Dean Jones, or Fred MacMurray. Did I mention I was born in 1981? Sure, a lot of people have seen The Love Bug or The Absent Minded Professor or Swiss Family Robinson…but you haven't lived until you've seen The

I just came here to say how much I love how these 3 episodes are getting more and more insular as the series concludes. It could have been easy to try to make some 'epic' end game, involving all parties a la 'Shut the Door…', but instead the Mad Men universe is being whittled down a character at a time. No big

"nor is it an example of that lamest of rock genres, born-again fundamentalist Christian rock." Heyy now..I am un-ironically unashamed to admit that DC Talk's 'Jesus Freak' still occasionally makes its way through my library rotation…but yeah, for the most part, it was pretty lame.

You don't need limitless amounts. I live in Rod Serling's hometown, and a group of local actors regularly do dramatic recitations of Twilight Zone teleplays. Even in such a simple format, the brilliance shines through. My guess is MM could be the same…haha hurry up and get moving before I steal your idea…

Yes. Greatest Mad Men season. Every bit of it is so much more indelible in my mind than the rest of the series. Almost every scene could have a write-up like this.

If only that she gave us a tangible connection to the old SC that seemed only to exist in legend and the whimsical memory of Bert. Here's someone from past, reacting to the present, and not really impressed. She pretty much had a 'meh, I've seen all this before…silly kids thinking everything is so profound'

Sally addressed that as a fear of not wanting to go to Don's apt. in "A Day's Work"


I'm going to miss Stan zingers sooo so much.

yeah, the first half of 7 was actually pretty awesome.

Someone below brought this up: That something about that protracted ironing scene seemed pretty ominous. Is Chuck going to 'James Doakes' himself?

Yeah I got that vibe.

To be fair, even a non dickish person would pull a cease and desist on something that so blatantly co-opted trademarked material.

Assuming it was already down 1/4-1/2….8-10 hours is certainly reasonable for phones of that vintage. Even my first flip phone in 2003 had to be charged constantly.


Right after season 6 ended, I was at first disappointed. But in the lens of season 7, it fits perfectly as a ruthlessly dark pit of despair. Honestly, it's hard to watch it again. That scene where Don is boiling the egg and resigning to hit the sauce is just so bleak.

I should clarify that I don't think it would be something that blatant….but at some point maybe something triggers him to actually believe his 'You are OK' line.

I would agree, but it certainly was within Don's powers to level with Betty as soon as he fell in love with her.

This article confirmed in my mind that my 'left-field' theory may be on the table: Don finds the Jesus Movement. It might make sense that Roger would, because he cavorted the most with the counter-culture, but he saw the ugly, decadent extreme of it at the commune. It's been tainted for Mr. Sterling, and now he's

"IT'S SLIM GOODBODY!" Caused me to legit spit-take.