
I love that you mentioned T.S. Eliot...and then (possibly on purpose) referenced a line from e.e. cummings. Bravo.

I don't know what this beef is about...but I like it.

I miss your old profile pic...but this one is equally mesmerizing.

Done! Doing this as soon as I get home. ::bro fist::

Just...just stop replying.

Kind of sad your assuming it's a dude but I wouldn't be surprised.

No no...don't start backtracking are definitely still stupid.

Just letting you know I'm not gonna read this because you can barely spell.

Well it was readily apparent you are a poney purveyor just by...oh i dunno...your username and pic. And the gif you just used. So you are kind of doing exactly what you were criticizing smokers for doing.

Ponies are a habit too and pony-loving, I would argue, is way more annoying to have to see and hear about.

Yeah it's so much more well-mannered to nod and smile then bitch on the internet.

Please elaborate...I have Pokemon Y and am very interested in your Tokemon concept.

If you don't think that the writers, the reporters and Jon Stewart all work together on these pieces then you are sorely mistaken.

No it isn't debatable. Alcohol IS more dangerous when operating a motor vehicle. Look that shit up. The internet is at your fingertips.


You rule.


Oh Dr. Weird...what won't you do!?

Achievement Unlocked!

Oh yeah - well YOU LOOK LIKE ASS.