
That’s not what I was talking about. Revisions made by author are okay (though prior editions should be preserved in libraries and archives for people to read). And IIRC, in the case of Fleming, those revisions (only made for 1 book) were already implemented in previous print runs, though not consistently.

But adults who hold those views won’t have any problems reading those books. This is not the audience these edits are targeting. These are targeting hypothetical adults who want to read the old James Bond novels, but don’t want to deal with what is in those novels. I don’t know if these people exist, but if they do,

I still think those edits are a cowardly, creatively bankcrupt move. For children books, I’m not fully comfortable with yhese kind of rdits, but I see thr argument. These are books for adults. Adults are able to understand that books written in the 50s and 60s may contain point of views that are unacceptable today.

This is... such a bizarre article that literally no one has ever thought to put to paper before. I so rarely try to comment on Kotaku posts because I know this kind of stuff only feeds into your rewards for posting even more clickbait traps, but seriously... come the f**k on. If you want to see reasons why Kotaku has


I can’t stand Elon but holy crap the obvious anti-tesla bias on this site gets old

The idea that you’ll only be able to move from park to reverse to drive via a touchscreen is maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of in any car. 

Pretty poor, Jalopnik...

It’s amazing that the most Star Trek of modern Star Treks have been the animated ones. Admittedly, Lower Decks cheats a little by creating ‘plausible fan service’ and the feeling that yeah, WE could be crew members even if we’re not quasi-perfect people.

Elephant in the room:

“As creatives obviously, by going digital-only it does allow us more time to polish the game,” Rowley told Eurogamer. “Like, a significant amount of weeks actually. Because otherwise, the game that goes on the disc, obviously it has to be playable without a patch.”

The first two seasons of Picard can also be used as coasters.

This isn’t Star Trek.

I have standards. Star Trek was supposed to have them.

season one, which did not go over well

Yeah. I’m US-ican born in 80 who grew up w/ JRPG only meaning RPG made by a Japanese company and Western RPG meaning ‘rent if you’re desperate.

Isn’t it sort of...i dunno, *implied* that anything from 2006 is going to be “of it’s time?” I’m not excusing the content of what’s said but like, gaming in the early 00' ain’t exactly the most inclusive hobby.

Hopefully, I shouldn’t have to explain the fuckery of stereotyping”

Oh, thanks for clarifying.  I understand now. You’re saying someone should decide what decorative items we’re allowed to have in our homes. Some decorative items are too frivolous for us to have.