
Raises an eyebrow for sure, but I wonder if the issue was more around the concept of a “mandate” such that the people actually running the site were uncomfortable with someone being able to unilaterally make decisions about content without their input.

If I published stuff years ago under one name and then legally change my name to something else, it doesn’t make sense the old stuff would be reissued under my new name, only whatever I work on going forward.

Can I interest you in a season of TV about J-L Picard’s mommy issues?

your car cannot get hacked if it never was given the vulnerability in the first place. there is no reason for connected vehicles.

I’m not going to get my hopes up. Season 2 of Picard was hot steaming Garbage. Genuinely some of the worst written Television I’ve seen in years. Maybe they can  right the ship with season 3 but I’m not optimistic 

The Republican party may have been hijacked by far-right nutjobs but that doesn’t represent the entirety of conservative beliefs that many Americans hold. It’s not either or. I have not supported a single Republican view in these comments and yet I’m a Deep South 60s Republican? Where the fuck do you get that from? It

No because I dismissed the dozens of comments being disrespectful and outright lying about me based on assumptions.

I mean, the Catholic Church has supported the suppression of LGBTQ people and hid rampant pedophilia for decades. Should everyone who is a Catholic be ‘cancelled’? Israel is committing human rights violations against Palestine. Should we ‘cancel’ Jewish people?

My very first sentence was “As a lifelong Democrat...” This was a 100% true statement. I then go on to make the point that many on the Left, especially those on social media and in Hollywood wrongly believe that everyone on the Right is a far -Right Trump Fascist. This point is then followed by dozens of comments

Should’ve said 115 million. Thank you for pointing out the error. I will follow up by saying that 115 million is a lot of people to wholesale dismiss as monsters.

I am a Liberal. I wanted to vote for Bernie. So everything you said about “My” side only goes to prove my point. I am very left leaning in my personal views. But even mentioning conservative values has you calling me MAGA.

No.  I only dismiss assholes like you who refuse to be respectful in their discourse.  

Okay 35%. 35% of the American population is over 200 million people. We have a bad habit of believing the most vocal minorities on the internet represent everyone. They don’t. Most people are somewhere on a spectrum and the net wants to pretend it’s two sides of a coin.

Oh I 100% agree.  You can look at how many actor’s career’s have changed after it was “discovered” they are Republican.  Personally just like with musicians I really don’t care how you vote.  Most of Hollywood is liberal and I still watch their movies.  

I agree but that’s kind of besides the point. I can almost guarantee that there are a number of conservative celebrities who choose to hide their political beliefs because if they mention anything conservative people assume they think Trump is God.

Show me where Pratt has personally supported conversion therapy. You’re demonizing based on pure speculation.  

so in short, hes a christian. thats basically the reason for the rage. you can connect people to any sort of nasty stuff if you stretch it enough, but this is just you guys actually living up to the most negative stereotypes that the fox set says and i usually have to argue against, but in this case, yeah, if you are

Was only referencing oversaturation as a response to it’s suggestion in the article. My point is only that I think Pratt and Reynolds are very similar. Action star with comedic chops etc. etc.  Reynolds is beloved on the net and Pratt is starting to be hated.  Why?  Politics.  And frankly, I don’t care if the voice of

What bit of bigotry? Show me the video of Pratt being a bigot. I’m deeply worried by this trend of wanting people you don’t like to be bigots so you can feel morally justified in your arbitrary hate, and that’s exactly what this looks like.

He goes to a church that is modeled after a church that has a pastor who said he “doesn’t condone a gay lifestyle” so it is OK to imply he supports blue lives matter?  That is fucking stupid.