
Came here to say this. That’s... quite a trajectory. A distillation, really. Take anything that was coherent and sensical about Goldwater, boil it away, and you’re reduced to Reagan. Take that and spin it down, and you’ve got a hard lump of stupid named George W. Bush. Take that and burn it in a crucible, and you’ve

I keep seeing different self important declarations like these about how someone assuming the person supports Trump was the last straw to push that person over to support him. What they are really saying is they know it’s socially reprehensible to go along with some of the more extreme ideals and are looking for an


It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

In the US most people get treated in a timely manner while some never get treatment whereas in the UK most people get treated in a timely manner and some have to wait. I know what I’d rather.

I’ve lived in both countries and I’d happily take the NHS any day just to not have to deal with the billing bullshit that you

Who the fuck cares about Benghazi - seriously. 4 people died in a warzone. Big fucking deal. 2600 Americans die every day, Special forces & military personnel die every single day. 4 people die in a shitty country in the middle east during a revolution and it’s a goddamn outrage.

Get over yourself. Probably couldn’t

You argue that we should cut spending for these programs because the balance sheet is not lining up. When trying to balance the budget, that’s a great suggestion. But tell me what you envision happens to all of the people who can no longer afford basics after we enact such cuts? We can choose to take care of our

No, the solution is real fucking simple, nimrod. You just raise the cap on Social Security/Medicare taxes. Once you do that, problem solved. And I hate to break it do you but Obama did not “double the debt” in 8 years. His simple put everything on the books that Bush and those jackass Republicans paid for during

“he doubled the debt in those eight years.”

Do you have any sources for this utter nonsense you just posted? (Sources other than a Fox News staff proctologist with a flashlight?)

The government gets near negative interest rates on borrowed money due to the dollar being a reserve currency. GDP goes up by something like 1.2x for every dollar spent on some programs (obviously up to a certain point). We could realistically be spending a shit ton right now and making a killing in growth. Our debt

Social Security is not an “entitlement program” it’s a god damn fund that we all pay taxes into so that we can get that money back in retirement and old age. We could fix it in one REAL easy removing the cap on what income is put into it. But the 1% always scream about that when it comes up.

“he doubled the debt in those eight years. Wake the fuck up.”

You’re wrong my friend! Entitlement benefits are NOT part of the “budget spending”! It is an entirely self-funded program. Stop listening to MSM and do some actual research! If Congress would stop stealing from the S. S. account to pay for regime change military programs and start taxing “ALL” income for Social

30 plus years of public service meanwhile trumps name to fame is for being a corrupt businessman yet Hillary is the crook.

And you can have quick appointments in the UK if you go for private healthcare. It’s also an option there, you know? Also emergency procedures I’m quite sure don’t make you wait 18 months. So if you get shot you go straight in.

In the US, however, you either declare bankruptcy because you broke a leg or you die out


Federal spending is high, but don’t just go blaming Obama. He’s brought the deficit spending down every year he’s been in office, and it spiked to record highs the last year of Bush’s administration when the government layed out tons of cash to try and curb the ‘08 recession. Yes, the actual debt has gone up, but

It’s almost like the government is collecting taxes for the general welfare of the population.... Too bad that isn’t anywhere in the Constitution!!!

You are right. He did double the debt. Here is a question for you, however. When and how was that debt accumulated? The majority of it was spent to bail us out of the financial crisis and to pay for the war he inherited. Obama has not been a profligate spender. He had to deal with the chaos he was handed. You