
It’s pronounced: “GIF”.

I know! He looks like one of those guys who will transplant a slice of chimpanzee testicle into your body to enhance your manliness.

Regardless of the whole compliance/HIPAA situation, who, other than Donald Trump would trust a doctor who looks like this guy?? Seriously. Unless I was looking for a Medical Marijuana recommendation I would turn around and walk right out of the office once I saw this was the doc about to treat me, unless maybe it was

This is grade a vapor-ware scam bullshit. It’s only slightly more plausible than the laser razor or the scuba breath.

Yes! The concept of *outdoor air conditioning* is so fucking insane... and to just pass it along like another good deal on lightning cords shows a stunning lack of awareness. Would be nice to see a critical look at how our current and aging infrastructure / building codes both encourage and are limited by an increase

I never thought I’d see the day when I’d have to say “this used to be a tech blog” or “people used to know their shit here”, but seriously what the fuck do you make the leap from “climate change is bad” to “we need MORE air conditioning, especially outside”?

You’ve gotta be kidding right? Climate change means we need more air conditioning? Where do you think the electricity required to charge this unit comes from? Jesus Christ we’re doomed.

You can’t know what’s going on with them, though. That’s the thing. HIS career suffered no serious setbacks because of the allegations, yet guilt by association is apparently enough to tank the career his wife (who has not, as far as I know, ever been accused of rape)?? They’re not actually the same person. Meanwhile,

One of them wants to essentially disintegrate the modern federal government and replace it with a vastly more powerful system of state governments, and the other is a medical doctor who panders to anti-vaccers and people worried about wifi, and whose sole experience in governance is being in a town council.

That disrespect tho.

Nope, sorry. There is no excuse for referring to anyone like that. They would never write “Simone Bailes wins gold; Jew takes silver”

Adding insult to injury, she’s a Stanford (in other words - local) student. Unreal.

“Historic Night for Phelps and Manuel” then. HEADLINE WRITTEN.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

I keep hearing this. Between the people who keep popping up here promising a “big” scandal and Julian Assange assuring us that more hacked data is coming soon, I’m starting to wonder what the fuck y’all are waiting for. Why the ‘promises’? If you have info, just drop it. What is the damn hold up?

Why would they be in panic mode. Every time Hillary slips up Donald hogs the spotlight away from her embarrassment with an embarrassment of his own. Sketchy answers on emails? Trump attacks a war hero’s father. Questions about possible kickbacks during her time as SoS? Trump implies that 2nd amendment supporters

There’s no evidence that she did that but whack job conspiracy stuff. She cut her ties with the foundation to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest and the sum total of the evidence of kickbacks is that the foundation took donations from foreign countries, including countries that get weapons from the US

You do realize there is a difference between donations going to a Foundation or Charity and into her pocket, right? I had to look it up myself to see what the Clinton Foundation actually does, but it doesn’t seem their goal is “to put money in Hillary’s pocket”. The foundation also seems to operate GLOBALLY, so

The thing is, as noted in the article the US loves selling arms to ALL allied countries. This would only be news if you could prove that the deals with the countries that donated have better terms than the deals with the countries that didn’t donate. Otherwise, this comparison is irrelevant.