
Well done!

Yeah, that rings very true re. Croatia and Slovenia. Once a French girl told me that what French people don’t like about the “American look” is that too many parts of the look are polished at the same time — like, that in France you would pair a cute sundress with disheveled hair or pair really well-groomed hair with

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is boy-crazy, Steinem. I don’t think far-left women are boy-crazy. I think they’re just socialist.

So, apples to apples, the USWNT pull the same ratings as the men in the USA and are treated much less favorably financially, plus the ladies actually win.

“Perfect symmetry” is redundant. It’s like saying “insufferable ESPN personality.”

wait so this editorial board works near some of the richest people in the country in the OC so does this mean that they also can be paid $0.50/hour

Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.

They don’t own enough land to feed their own cattle? They shouldn’t be in the ranching business in the first place then. Just like the jackasses who try to run fitness boot camps in public parks.


She actually had a Complex Migraine. With a “complex migraine” symptoms can include weakness, loss of vision, or difficulty speaking in addition to a headache – often mimicking a stroke.

Stories please!!

I only saw it for the first time when I posted that and instantly felt like Sean Connery on Jeopardy. “I’ll take art is anal for $200, Alex.”

What I got from the Quartz article and a couple others (what can I say, I find the interplay between hipster marketing and actual quality interesting) is that they originally were using Valrhona which is why it was so much better in the early days. Now they’re using some unspecified beans and doing a crap job of it.

America’s chocolate game is WEAK. So weak.

Who gives a shit? He made that statement based off a trailer, followed by his own self-aggrandizement (which is patently absurd), and he was a creepy, lecherous freak trying to get nudes of an actress. I don’t care how many posts he writes in a day. It’s not even remotely the measure of a person.