Gracious Brisket

So far I have found that I am not rich enough to itemize anything. I cant afford to donate that much, my student loan interest isn’t that high, don’t have a big enough home for a home office and not a teacher. So standard deduction it is. Also thanks employer for being the only company I have ever worked for that does

Adam LaRoche will still be my favorite sports baby.

/adjusts nerd glasses

“...fucking dumb elitists!

Yankee Power!”

“Yankees are a bunch of douchebags” - sing it to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme’s fun!

Being ensconced in a protective shell is a perfect metaphor for the Yankees’ premium ticket policies.

“Unclear if that total included this girl, who has an awful lot of blood on her hand.”

I hate to blow your mind but to some folks, Glenn is also a “B-lister”.

So proud of Villanueva tonight.

Totally unfair. A poli sci degree is a great path to six figures of law school debt.

The dog was relieved that it was only a spring training game. Besides, it had been 13 years since going to a Phillies game meant a trip to the Vet.

The team couldn’t pay him a coaching salary as a player-coach (it’s prohibited by the CBA). And LeBron doesn’t work for free. He will undermine someone else’s work for free, but that’s just his hobby.

Remember when Jordan missed that 3-pointer in 1992? God he sucked.

Highlight of my youth baseball career: playing left field when the other team’s big hitter absolutely crushed one down the line a hundred feet over my head. The left field fence was 380 feet to the pole and didn’t even belong to the baseball field, it belonged to the next field over. Ball bounced twice and somehow

Went to a birthday party with my kids at a inflatable place that also had a pitching booth with a radar gun. It turned into a contest among the dads to see who could throw the hardest. I had shoulder surgery 3 months later.

Casey Weathers, a 2007 first-round pick who almost washed out of baseball after suffering a few serious arm injuries.

We will make all the hoverboards here. I have many many hoverboard making friends, and their factories will be magnificent. and anyone that falls off our hoverboards, I’ll pay their legal bill. believe me.