Graceless but Gracious

Years ago, in late fall, we moved our young family from a house in the city to my grandmother’s old home, which was rural and secluded. My grandparents had passed on, and so had my mother, but she grew up in that house. It’s a two-story farmhouse with hidden rooms, and it’s more than 150 years old. When we moved

This feels kind of needlessly shitty and mean. How do you want a person to react to the news that their spouse is a serial killer? 

All the royal family’s phones were hacked, along with numerous British celebs. Many of the celebs took the media to trial and won. The royal family, aside from Harry, have chosen to stay quite about it.

Phone hacking is a crime. 

You might enjoy this, then. Somebody’s been using Midjourney to fantasize hard about Trump’s arrest, trial, and incarceration, ending in a Shawshank Redemption-style escape to the nearest McDonald’s.

“Lewinsky (understandably) did not respond to Jezebel’s request for comment, and if you’re reading this, Monica: We honestly regret even asking.”

I think Conan O’Brien should have been invited.

What if I told people that they don't have to pick a team in a celebrity divorce?

Neuro-plasticity ftw! 

Re. Oscar Isaac: I am still, years later, unable to wrap my head around the fact that he was the evil, bald guy in “Ex Machina.” LOL 

It’s a bit weird that when Pratt says something potentially objectionable, people’s reaction is to degrade his wife as a ‘woman-bot’ or (in a post above) a ‘dog’. Particularly this wife - she’s an adult woman, she’s independently wealthy, and she’s a Kennedy. Her mother is a journalist and non-profit founder; her

I can think of someone, mentioned in this article, who would have benefitted from having their dad spend more time with them.

Not sure I’m feeling the Scarlett snark. I know the website is only *supposedly* feminist but why the fuck are you undermining a woman standing up for allegedly getting screwed after signing a contract that said something else was going to happen?  


Glad to see Star Burns is still getting work

If only "flesh color" even slightly resembled the color of my skin. 

The Trumps went to the University of PA aka Penn- an Ivy. PSU is a public university system and they surely have their own sets of problems (Sandusky), but the Trump family isn’t one of them.

Well, yes and no.

Miniature donkeys totally deserve fries.  ;)