
Oh man, Top 10 and 49ers are amazing. The last page of 49ers gets me every time. I second you in absolute love of Alan Moore.

I really liked the Winged Victory arc. Being message heavy isn't always bad, but it usually is, and every Wonder Woman/Wonder-Woman-esque story that has been "This is about feminism!" has always fallen flat, IMHO. That arc was some of the best handling of a feminist message I've seen, I was very impressed.

Sound of Silence was great, my favorite running gag in season 4

The horrible murals have always delighted me.

Speaking of Archer … My favorite thing is when running gags evolve, I'm thinking particularly of phrasing in season 4, when everyone stopped using it and the gag became "are we not doing that anymore," only for it to return triumphantly.

"You're not going to tell me chaos is a ladder are you?"
"Oh thank the Gods."

Prurnell: "I wont have you turn this mock trial into some sort of …"
Jack: "You were going to say 'mockery' weren't you?"
Prurnell: "I was in trouble three words into that."

Alana: You love it here?
Will: I'm having the time of my life.
-Matthew Brown walks bye-
Will: Up top T-bone

What I love is how Psychocrush (I don't remember his name) compares him to Judas while crucifying Hannibal. He is in the place of the victim and as the betrayer. Hannibal is both saying life is precious while admitting to being a serial killer.

Will Graham: "I need a favor …"
Me: "We gotta put that on our family crest- Oh goddamn it, Arrested Development give me my life back."

I simply could not watch the lobotomy scene. This episode was mixed some of the most tense nervwrecking material with some of it's most quietly beautiful material. The scenes between Jack and Bella were A+ material on their own.
I loved the Bluebeard theme with Beverly stuff (though NOoooo Beverly!), along with the

I think the biggest laugh was Lemongrab narrating eating the lemon who tried escaping. It was so awful sounding! Also people narrating things from off screen is a tried and true joke.

Y'know, I thought the Jeremy plot was going to go in the way of Conner from Angel.

Sleepy Hollow was really walking the line of silly/disturbing on the purgatory images. Such as the glass eating daddy, which was ehhhhhhggggggg.

Wow, that payed off much more than I thought.
I could see the Jeremy/Henry/War thing coming, but boy did I think it worked. I ALWAYS love a smash to titles with a Rolling Stones song. When it ended I just turned to my mom and exclaimed, "That was so much FUN."
Was there a more fun show this season?

I loved the bit with Cheryl pretending to be "J. Edgar Hoover's mother" because it was so obvious no one was buying it yet it worked anyway.

I don't know what I'm most excited for. Probably whatever causes Lana to say "you did the exact thing I told you not to" and there he is with a tiger!

That trailer … I haven't been as pumped for something in … I don't even remember!

I think what makes that balance of Deep Space 9 is that the Federation as an ideal still exists. No one ever gives up on the Federation. Even the members most critical of it, such as Quark and Garak, admit that the ideal of the federation is incredibly powerful. They challenge the Federation and show it's cracks,