I believe that’s Deadwood.
I believe that’s Deadwood.
The quotes from the police in this story are just the worst. There is so clearly a bias already in play, no wonder she didn’t trust these people and this community to help her. “The whole time she was concerned for her health, her safety and never gave any attention to the health and safety to the unborn child,”…
Actually no, it is not depending on what state you are living in. However, in backwoods Tennessee you can’t get one after 15 weeks and most of the time you have to travel over 100 miles and spend up to $1,000.00. So, with that idiotic 48 hour wait, you really are fkd if you have a job...especially if it is low paying.
Now that he’s been born, he better attach some boot straps to that oxygen tank or he’s just a no good dirty moocher sucking down that sweet Medicaid money from the real Murrican taxpayers.
Oh my God.
I might have just sung this in a George Michael voice, with visions of supermodels running through my head.
I would love to know what movie and quote this is from. Tks.
This make me so sad for the women, and now, child involved. I cannot imagine how desparate you have to be to stick a coat hanger inside of yourself to try and induce an abortion - the physical and mental pain would be unbelievable.
Stories like this make me think of the U.S. as in the same cultural backwater of developing nations. Like seriously, leader of the free world you are not, with shit like this.
I feel for Yocca and women in her position. The desperation she must have felt at that moment. And there are so many similar cases of women and teenagers resorting to any means in an attempt to terminate a pregnancy because politicians continue to put up road block after road block.
I think the idea is that, if she’d had easier access earlier on, she wouldn’t have resorted to such desperate measures.
I think it’s time to kill my last beer
Considering how that crowd rolls, kid's gonna have to make due with prayers.
The fact that women ever had to resort to coat hangers sickens me but not as much as the fact that it is 2015 and this poor fucking woman sticks a coat hanger in herself to get out of a pregnancy because the world is awful.
And it’ll be spun to say that she’s a cold-blooded murderer and it was absolutely no one else’s fault.
Given the roadblocks in place for women to obtain abortions in Tennessee I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d tried to get one earlier and the state managed to run the clock out on her.
Well, at least every pro-lifer will be cutting a check personally to ensure the health and survival of Baby Yocca, so he has that to look forward to.
This woman, for whatever reason, thought that her best option was to stick a coat hanger into her vagina and hope it caused a miscarriage. This is why we need good sex ed in high schools. This is why we need to fund Planned Parenthood. This is why abortions should be state supported.