
To almost every girl in that series of photos: Yes, I will be happy to let you take me on a date. Feel free to ask anytime.

@saboth: Hahaha, it's funny because I'm pretty sure every guy who reads this story thinks something along the same lines. Way too many hormones flying around at that point.

It's actually just a fan, angry because Flash Forward was canceled. Recreating some strange events to satiate their desire for the fantastical.

@Tim_Ferriss: Extremely interesting post. Just started 4HB on Sunday and am looking forward to the results! Thanks Tim.

Bought the Kindle Edition of the book the other day. It's great so far.

I noticed none of those winners are me. Eff this contest. That's right. I'm a sore loser. Eff you too.

@Bertone77: Yeah. I'm rocking a 2000 Ford Tyrana-Taurus. When I originally got it there was AM/FM radio and tape deck. I had to install the CD player which doesn't play MP3 discs and has no aux cable (those were more expensive and I was a poor college kid). She has served me well though. Going to rock that car

Definitely a feature. Can I get a FireFox plugin for this?

That's all well and good, I still wish there was a way to disable the pictures populating at the bottom. I hate those things and have refused to upgrade. But now there's chat!? What to do, what to do.


The Dark of the Moon? Really? That just sounds ridiculous and I feel ridiculous saying it. That's the best you could do Michael Bay and Company? Stick to blowing stuff up, you should've let the interwebz decide the name.

@SirFenwick: I asked them about it one day and they said, among other things, that it was just easier not to have to use the shift key and that it was easier to read. I tried to explain to them that it was ok, and much better, to just not capitalize anything.

I hope this becomes a standard because then I wouldn't get e-mails or facebook messages from my grandma and my mom that are three paragraphs of all caps.

US Govt: "HEY! We love the press, we're going to show you how much by hosting this day in D.C.! Just show up, especially you members of the organizations which we are looking for, and it'll be fun. What could go wrong?"

This Shirt + Iron Man Glowing LEDs on your netbook = Chick Magnet!

I bet Batman uses Google and he probably got busted when Google Buzz first came online and it was all "Hey everyone, we're going to tell everyone else you've ever e-mailed everything about you and your browsing. Cool? No? Too Bad I already did it!"

I was really hoping for some demo of the gaming capability but alas there is none yet. Seems like gaming might destroy whatever battery is in that thing though.

I hear if you cry more it will lubricate the series of tubes and your interwebz will work faster.

Can we start putting these in cell phones now? I need more juice for my EVO.

@Sidetalker: Well yeah, cancer sucks but he'll be young and fertile so he'll have that goin for him.